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Everything posted by Demonic

  1. Probably the right side, just to keep it simple throughout all the servers.
  2. The only cat I would ever want.
  3. Paratus is the one and only developer I believe. I don't know what happened to Alan.
  4. I wouldn't recommend it.
  5. Well, then don't use the siren. Once the siren is on, if we react fast enough, we're gonna shoot you; cops not being able to shoot right away is to give us time to react.
  6. I don't always seize just because there's not a reason for it sometimes. If I find a random not-wanted guy with a mk18 running down the highway by highway patrol, I'd pick him up and drive him somewhere that he can get a car, I'd let him keep the weapon if he didn't try killing me, just trying to be nice to people.
  7. There's always a chance that some could still come back with a new identity.
  8. You weren't in the fight, how would you know they weren't necessary? All you can see is a clip of him killing one person which spans about 5 seconds of the fight(s).
  9. Explain this to me please, I've never known how it worked.
  10. He can fix barrels in houses. You should start using TS though, easiest way to get in contact with people on the server, especially admins.
  11. Did he really just call someone a dishwasher?
  12. Yeah that way works too, just depends if you have a battlebuddy or not.
  13. Rammed your strider with a gokart earlier today
  14. I think, if I remember correctly, that Asylum started up November 2013, possibly?
  15. That's because there's no meth pretty much; No gang support = no server.
  16. I didn't know people still used autohover, let alone the scroll wheel option for it..
  17. Comin' in strong; 2004 Honda Pilot
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