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Everything posted by Demonic

  1. Sounds fishy.. "The system is working flawlessly. Please use caution when using this feature." Makes it sound like there are problems and they don't want to deal with them.
  2. Chocolate with the vanilla in the middle between the chocolate
  3. -1 for id card -1/+1 for nlr, just depends on how it's implemented +1 for rdm/vdm bans -1 for strike system
  4. You got regearing fixes, that's something
  5. I caught a 470 Tauros thing yesterday
  6. I've been playing this game nonstop..
  7. A long time ago I knew people that would make around 20 mil on their cadet week alone.. those days are long gone.
  8. I got that, I always just think that drawing would be free drawing, not drawing over a picture. That's all.
  9. So drawing is just taking the picture and drawing over it in a flat colors?
  10. I'd say no, but not up to me. But you'd probably get kicked from the server for being afk in lobby all the time.
  11. They have to give you enough time to respond, if they don't, just report them. Here's this too:
  12. It's a miracle when you enjoy yourself while trying to have fun.
  13. Should have lethaled him for speeding so fast.. just my opinion
  14. He was more ways to catch people doing things they shouldn't.
  15. I ran out of milk this morning, quite sad about it.
  16. So I've been playing this the past couple days..
  17. Maybe, it's been a very long time since I've ran meth.
  18. Never heard that before, I thought you just didn't get max return if you do it without the talent
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