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AFD Advanced EMT
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Everything posted by Donk

  1. 3crater is sold. garage and 2crater available.
  2. its on market for 650k, im taking offers though, i would like to sell the garage and 3crater together if im able since they are attached to eachother.
  3. Donk

    Gang life is dead?

    actually we dont, ask the cops. they hate us right now. Also we didnt invite everyone, its mainly some velocity guys, stellar, and a few randoms.
  4. Donk

    GOT Hype

    ive been hyped
  5. Donk

    Gang life is dead?

    no one plays bro, gotta invite the kavala rats to make asylum great again
  6. Donk

    Gang life is dead?

    paid them all 10k to join a discord for the meme
  7. Donk

    Gang life is dead?

    damn you guys caught me
  8. https://imgur.com/FTk7cz9
  9. he is no longer #1, can we get some incite into what happened to our Jeff Bezos?
  10. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: houses and garage House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 2crater, 3crater, and garage Location (Town/DP#): DP21/coke processing/meth house Asking Price: offer Description: Selling a 2 and 3crater house in dp21/coke processing. Can easily be used for coke or a meth house. ive had no issues running meth from it even when it was a red zone. Garage is attached to 3crater house. Perfect for pulling out a van to do quick runs to the meth lab without anyone seeing you pull a car out in town! Pictures/Video Walk-through:https://gyazo.com/22ae1de0da82d4eb6b99854ddd866e1d https://gyazo.com/77b4e006ca73069e6f175ff861c87ded https://gyazo.com/6e8a821186509c3fd21ca6e9bd63bd1e
  11. they removed my post about gang life
  12. I miss the days when fights actually ended with "gf" but now its all sit retard, neck yourself, or your nan's a whore.
  13. I'm also looking for a place to roleplay my toxic personality. sit retards, neck yourself kids, and of course imagine not getting invited to this gang in 2019.
  14. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: house House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 2 crater Location (Town/DP#): dp21/pyrgos coke processing Asking Price: offer Description: perfect house to run coke in. Located only 90m away from the processor. Pictures/Video Walk-through:https://gyazo.com/77b4e006ca73069e6f175ff861c87ded https://gyazo.com/3288072f6a4a1a43d66ff62ccf69c9ef
  15. Donk


    sorry boys its sold
  16. this is what winners of gang wars 7 look like!
  17. i used to own that house and garage on s4, man i miss that house.
  18. Donk


    i havent seen prime doing meth on s3
  19. Donk


    well why not buy it then bud
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