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Austin Rogers The Original

APD Lieutenant
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Everything posted by Austin Rogers The Original

  1. Id be interested to know if this is an actual Arma issue that cannot be fixed or if there is a potential workaround. As everyone knows its one of the most annoying parts of the game by far.
  2. Aaah yes, let's add the ability to launch an almost unstoppable bomb deployment method with no difficulty or counter play. 👍 Heck let's add a mortar strike killstreak that obliterates everything in a 100m radius for 1 mil a pop. For real though we have enough suicide vests already. No need to make it even easier. Current cops aren't capable of stopping ground based explosives as is. If you really wanna do this get a hummingbird with some rpg's and rain fire.... actually forget I said that. Don't do that.
  3. Aaah yes, let's give the non lethal ear deafening flashbangs to civilians. What could possibly go wrong? From the cop side of things, currently there aren't many cops who use flashbangs consistently. Most don't want to waste a talent point and mag space. Plus most cops don't know how to throw a flashbang to save their lives. As someone who does use flashbangs quite a bit and to good effect they can be quite powerful. If it becomes a common thing I could potentially see their price being increased a bit to discourage spam. Although this would make flashbang home entry even more expensive.
  4. Totally agree! I also suggest that when an APD member is caught cheating everyone of the same rank gets demoted for 1 week. If a Cadet gets caught cheating all Cadet weeks get reset. Let's make all the cheaters feel the pain by punishing everyone. They will feel empathy and see the error of their ways.
  5. I mean this event isn't really civ vs cop at all. Its 2 parts. Civ vs civ and Cop vs cop.
  6. I agree that the stairs can be very buggy and infuriating. Though we should be careful of whatever changes may be made to it. If made too easy to peak effectively then it might be a bit too cop sided. The original reason for the stairs was to add an alternate route to the roof rather than just the center ladder. If there was a change I still think that it should be risky to push, and require teamwork and timing to pull off a rush onto the roof.
  7. Totally agree with this. Had a shipping robbery yesterday with about 4 cops online and none of us noticed until the shipment was passing pyrgos. Maybe i would even suggest a sound notification similar to the way quests work?
  8. This is a simple suggestion that would change the way officers are compensated when civilians pay tickets below a set threshold. Ever since the APD has been compensated for their efforts arresting and processing civilians, there has been various changes attempting to improve the roleplay and interaction between both factions. One such example of this was the parole system, while in principle it seemed like a good idea the parole system was heavily abused and provided both more lenient officers and "Robocop's" with a quick and easy way to deal with a civilians while taking advantage of a full payout. The change I propose would aim to do two things. First of all it would add more incentive for cops who are more "Money hungry" to issue tickets of a lower amount to civilians when they put good effort into roleplay and explaining their charges. On the other side it would reward police officers who are already more lenient and fair with their ticketing with additional monetary compensation. The suggested change is simple. If an officer pardons or issues a ticket below 50% of the suspects bounty then the officers would receive a minimum compensation of 50% of said bounty. For an example if a civilian has $100,000 worth of charges and an officer roleplays with them for 7 minutes and issues a ticket for $20,000 which the civilian then pays the officers would receive $50,000 (50%) of compensation instead of the current system which would be $20,000 (the ticket amount). Compensation for tickets at or above 50% and suspects who are sent to jail would remain unchanged. I feel like this change would be a great reward system that would improve the experience not only for the police but also for the civilians who would benefit from less interactions with the police where they feel that they are being treated unfairly or simple being ignored by certain police officers.
  9. I agree with these concerns and have posted some added notes in my post as a response. I think it can be balanced and or made to be used during appropriate times.
  10. APD Budget cuts unfortunately. They could always be added on if our budget increases in the future!
  11. It would be interesting to have another addition to the drone selection in the APD. If balance is a concern you could potentially remove the thermal imaging capabilities so you would choose between the speed of the Greyhawk and the superior thermal imaging of the current AR-2 Darter. Added notes: I agree with Michael that both the Greyhawk and the current Darter if used properly are virtually unkillable. Along with the speed this could be a real concern to some civilians who feel it's too powerful of a tool. I feel however there are different restrictive parameters that could be added to keep it from being oppressive. As mentioned below by heater you could make it only for use at federal events and or chasing APB's/high value warrants/cartel raids etc... You could also along with potentially removing the thermal capability(Current jets have this), allow it to be used as the current darter is but have it only be usable once per restart and have the fuel limited to around 30 minutes or so. Such restrictions could be discussed among the developers, captains, and mitch to help find a good balance. Would be great to see these things as I love drones and they are pretty dope.
  12. I initially though about putting it to the north west of Athira aswell. There isnt really an obvious place to put it there though. It would just be in a random spot. Of course you could build a base from scratch if needed. Imo the Lakka location is just as functional if not more so so the fact that its a bit closer to the pyrgos base isnt really a big deal. It helps serve bounties caught to the west of lakka aswell.
  13. Ever since the bounty hunter base(Skiptracer) has been introduced and the previous bounty hunter shops were removed, there has been a significant gap in the ability for players to acquire BH gear. There is a skiptracer outside of every major city with the exception of Athira. On top of the lack of a place to buy BH gear and vehicles, any bounties caught in and around the Athira area need to be taken a significant distance before they can be arrested. To address this I am suggesting that a fourth Bounty Hunter Base be added to the server. I believe a suitable location for the base would be a small military outpost on a hill just north of Lakka Checkpoint. This would be close enough to the city of Athira to work as a more convenient location for the central area of the island. It is also far enough away from Athira that any bounties caught in the area would have to be moved a long enough distance that would give players a chance to be rescued by fellow gang members or taken by enemy bounty hunters before they can be arrested. Below I have added a couple of images overviewing the location aswell as potential placements of the shop and additional Bounty Hunter Base amenities.
  14. While yes during these events there is a theoretical "endless wave" of police officers you are missing quite a few important things. The first being that the rebels get to choose the time and place of the fight. They already know how many cops are online and they have time to setup and prepare for the fight ahead of time. The second is that the rebels CHOOSE to participate during these events. Nobody makes anyone rob the fed or bank, it is up to the people initiating the robbery. They know the risk they are taking and they know the force that is likely to respond. Police officers are required to respond to the bank or fed at-least once but realistically the average cop is going to respond between 2-5 times during one of these events sometimes more depending on how bad the officer is or how long the fight lasts. Despite what some civilians may think cop load-outs are not quote on quote free. Yes if you want the base load-out then its free but almost everyone runs at-least a 4k load-out. This can be between 8-25k for sergeant and lieutenant load-outs especially if they choose police coveralls. So on average a cop will lost between 9-15k per bank/fed that they are obligated to show-up to. Yes you could use the argument "oh but cops are only required to respond to bank once, then they can leave" but lets be honest, nobody wants that. The cops want to catch the rebels and the rebels WANT to keep killing cops. Lets not also forget that statistically in order to win an engagement where the enemy is in a fortified position the odds need to be 3-1. Imagine how lob sided this can get when you add in the fact that the bank roof and Alamo feds are ridiculously easy to defend. The last point i'm going to make is the use of helicopters during a bank robbery. Lets look at 2 scenarios. First scenario, lets say there happens to be a cop that can pull an Orca. This Orca costs 100-120k and the cops are going up against rebels with guns that are much more capable of disabling or shooting out the pilot from the Orca vs the cop mx. Lets say for instance that the cops dont get shot down and actually manage to land. What happens to the Orca when the rebels win the fight. Oh yeah it gets CHOPPED. Remind me again what happens when the cops win against the rebels. Their Orca either gets impounded or left there with over a 90% chance of it safely despawning with virtually no risk of losing it unless of course another heli crashes into it in which case the cops lose their heli in that scenario aswell.
  15. The whole reason the lethal payouts were reduced in the past was to lessen the incentive for police officers to lethal civilians because they felt they were being overused. While I feel that the current lethal rules are good the way they are in terms of when officers can automatically lethal such as unreachable locations, shooting from benches, 1 minute to restart etc... I do feel that there are many situations where lethal force is used when it should not. Misuse of lethals should be a more severe punishment and or the ability to vote for lethals should be only Sgt+ or alternatively only corporals voting when no Sgt+ is on the server. On the topic of civilians losing their loadouts when being lethaled, I find that entire argument complete nonsense. When you buy a loadout you are taking the risk that you will lose the loadout when you lose the fight. Once you get into a fight regardless of who you are fighting whether it be a civilan, bounty hunter, or police officer you losing the fight is the same outcome. You losing your loadout. The fact that you "got lethaled" by a cop has nothing to do with the fact that you are losing your loadout. Most of the time not only are you taking the risk of using the loadout you purchased but the civ is also purposely putting themselves in a situation where they are going to be engaged by police officers. For instance bank, fed, store robberies, attacking an hq, committing a prison break etc... Even if you get downed instead of lethaled, if the cops get you your still losing your loadout. If you end up getting lethaled solo with only a 5k bounty then you either put yourself into a position where the cop had no choice but to lethal you or the cop abused lethals. If the latter is the case then report the officer through the proper channels and it will be dealt with. The real issue is that many civilians are constantly putting themselves in positions that force or heavily encourage the police officers to lethal them with the sole purpose of having their bounty cleared. There are many ways to do this including but not limited to, fighting on bank roof, ATM roof, or unreachable at bank, shooting from benches on helicopters, turning yourself in or engaging cops with 1 minute to restart, firing from unreachable locations, shooting from houses, and towers such as solar towers by airHQ chop-shop. The cop payout for lethals has already been reduced to the point that you might as well not get paid at all. Mechanics are in place that allow rebels to commit any amount of crimes they want and easily get full pardons. Yes I am aware there are ways to catch some of these criminals without the use of lethals such as using helicopters to reach players on roofs or unreachable locations but these options require an orca which is very expensive and they most often dont work either due to incompetent officers or too many heavily armed rebels. The point being that lethals should not be a way out of your crimes. Like I said earlier the entire "oh but im already losing my loadout so I deserve a pardon" makes no logical sense. While I dont agree with the current revive system as it is and I certainly think it could be improved, it has been the same way for a long time and it isn't a huge problem. The most simple answer to this problem in my opinion is to simply remove both the payout and the pardon from lethaling a suspect. Changing some of the rules and punishments around the use of lethals could be beneficial but I have already mention how I feel about that earlier in this post. The solutions I do not agree with are making either reduced respawn or forced respawn as this is too harsh and too many people would lose their shit if this was the case. This solution removes the incentive for cops to use lethals as the cops get no payout for lethaling and it is in their best interest to capture the civilian so they can process them and get some money from the ticket thus meaning lethals would be used only when they are truly necessary. This also prevents abuse from rebels using lethals as a simple way to get out of all their charges. Yes there is no perfect solution and no matter what there are going to be scenarios where people abuse mechanics but overall this solution has the least amount of issues. If it stays the way it is people are going to continue to get free pardons from lethaling. I know someone is going to talk about robocopping and while yes true robocops do exist I find that the majority of police officers are going to give you a fair chance to explain yourself and give you an appropriate ticket. The main issue is most often not the officer but that civilians either suck as RP or disagree with the ticket they receive. But despite what you think, people have different opinions on how large your ticket should be based on roleplay. Sometimes you are going to have to pay a ticket or maybe even receive jail time. That is part of being a rebel and committing crimes. Oh and dont even get me started on how much parole is abused daily. Ill save that for another time.
  16. $90 a month for 250GB of data. Sadly its the best I can get.
  17. It would probably be for the best. I spend too much of my time on Asylum. Gotta spend some time playing other games.
  18. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147597&cm_re=960_pro-_-20-147-597-_-Product
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