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AFD Advanced EMT
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  1. swordslash13 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Delete this   
    9/10 times this is the case, with less than a kilometer of distance to be closed, but cops on scene say "fuck medics" and take the revive anyway. where's the incentive when one faction does the job of two factions because there's minimal mutual respect?
  2. MarchingBands liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Underwater capture the flag/TDM   
    keep in mind survival fatigues also give you improved swimming same as the wetsuits.
  3. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Underwater capture the flag/TDM   
    everyone gets a rebreather and an S-DAR
    split em into two teams with some sort of uniform identifier.

    option 1: 2-3 objects are placed in an underwater area (like some of those hidden underwater ruins or something) and the first team to pick up a majority of the items and bring em back to their base wins. winners get an admin gift or cash or something

    option 2: same thing as option 1, but its just a tdm. first team to 3 wins in a best 3 out of 5 or something gets rewarded. underwater and aquatic shit is underrated.
  4. MarchingBands liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Underwater capture the flag/TDM   
    everyone gets a rebreather and an S-DAR
    split em into two teams with some sort of uniform identifier.

    option 1: 2-3 objects are placed in an underwater area (like some of those hidden underwater ruins or something) and the first team to pick up a majority of the items and bring em back to their base wins. winners get an admin gift or cash or something

    option 2: same thing as option 1, but its just a tdm. first team to 3 wins in a best 3 out of 5 or something gets rewarded. underwater and aquatic shit is underrated.
  5. Asher liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Delete this   
  6. silenthunter217 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Remove the Armor on Armor clause for non-fed medics   
    it's dumb. we're strictly prohibited from using our vehicles in an offensive manner as medics as per our SOPs. if we fight back, it's a potential warning or points. Yet civilians, even when we're not in the vehicle itself can just launch it around, blow it up, send us flying, with no repercussion. MOST of us (not particularly me, but alot of others) only tend to pull it out when we need the armor to defend ourselves, i.e. caught in a crossfire, sheltering from rdmers, getting up one of our own from the middle of a firefight, etc. Having someone uninvolved able to just destroy our stuff because they want to is a bit much. at a federal or an event, sure, i can see why keeping it would help, but nothing's going on and im chilling in a random town, i shouldnt be able to just get blasted into next year.

    Either allow us to defend ourselves in these particular instances, or hold people to the same standards for every other combat instance that we have as medics.
  7. Mandalorian 2.0 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Medics Should Get Hard Hats   
    bruh. look at this drip. cmon.
  8. K0Mat0s3 liked a post in a topic by Asher in Sickness / Plague Outbreake   
    +1 once we flesh out the details 
  9. K0Mat0s3 liked a post in a topic by Gamer4LifeHQ in Sickness / Plague Outbreake   
    A sickness/plague has fallen on the island of Altis. The AFD is working alongside the APD to establish a base at ground zero. From the looks of it, Kavala will be under quarantine. Entry into and exit out of Kavala will be through one primary checkpoint. Weapons of any kind are prohibited in Kavala at this time. You and your vehicle will be searched at the checkpoint upon entry. Upon exiting Kavala, you will be searched again to verify that you have not taken the cure. During the quarantine, the APD will be protecting "the cure," while the AFD will be administering it to those who have fallen ill. Side effects of the illness will be comparable to drug withdrawal with added effects. The spread of the sickness will be at random. The "cure" during this event will be the pride and joy of the one or ones who get their hands on it. The cure will be sellable on the black market with a value worth more than gold. During the event, the number of cop slots will be increased to maximize defense.
    The idea is still in the works, and much is to be discussed. Shout out to @K0Mat0s3 who had a role to play in the creation of this idea.              
  10. K0Mat0s3 liked a post in a topic by Spent Brass in Chain of Command/Incident Command (IC)   
    Emergency Medical Responders (EMR's) are the lowest rank in the AFD. EMR's are learning the ropes of how to provide proper care as a Medical Healthcare Providers as well as learning all the policies.

    Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's) are a higher rank than an EMR. EMT's are able to provide the basic level of care and are the core of the AFD.

     Advanced EMT
    Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT-A's) outrank the EMT's and EMR's. EMT-A's can provide advanced life-support. They are better equipped and have been taught a higher level of care than a regular EMT.

    Paramedics are the first Fire Department Staff position. Paramedics provide the highest level of care in the life-support system. Paramedics will be able to perform high-risk rescue operations with their top of the line equipment and training. Paramedics will be in charge when present and have full authority in the absence of the Chief/Assistant Chief. The Paramedics will handle any Internal Affair report on EMR-Advanced EMT.

      Assistant Chief
    Assistant Chief(s) are the highest rank in the AFD aside from the Chief. The Assistant Chief(s) are the policy creators and make procedures. They are the people that assist the Chief and resolve issues in the Chief's absence. The Assistant Chief(s) has the responsibility on overseeing the AFD. The Assistant Chief(s) will handle any Internal Affairs report on Paramedics, they also have the authority to handle any Internal Affair below the rank of Paramedic if they deem it necessary.

    The Chief is the leader of the Fire Department/EMS. The person with this rank will have the absolute final say in all decisions regarding medical policy and procedures. The Chief has the authority to place any policy/procedure he wants as well as veto any suggestion in its entirety. The Chief will handle Internal Affair reports on the Assistant Chief(s).

  11. flyrobert1000 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Remove the Armor on Armor clause for non-fed medics   
    it's dumb. we're strictly prohibited from using our vehicles in an offensive manner as medics as per our SOPs. if we fight back, it's a potential warning or points. Yet civilians, even when we're not in the vehicle itself can just launch it around, blow it up, send us flying, with no repercussion. MOST of us (not particularly me, but alot of others) only tend to pull it out when we need the armor to defend ourselves, i.e. caught in a crossfire, sheltering from rdmers, getting up one of our own from the middle of a firefight, etc. Having someone uninvolved able to just destroy our stuff because they want to is a bit much. at a federal or an event, sure, i can see why keeping it would help, but nothing's going on and im chilling in a random town, i shouldnt be able to just get blasted into next year.

    Either allow us to defend ourselves in these particular instances, or hold people to the same standards for every other combat instance that we have as medics.
  12. JustSomeDude_Ace liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Remove the Armor on Armor clause for non-fed medics   
    it's dumb. we're strictly prohibited from using our vehicles in an offensive manner as medics as per our SOPs. if we fight back, it's a potential warning or points. Yet civilians, even when we're not in the vehicle itself can just launch it around, blow it up, send us flying, with no repercussion. MOST of us (not particularly me, but alot of others) only tend to pull it out when we need the armor to defend ourselves, i.e. caught in a crossfire, sheltering from rdmers, getting up one of our own from the middle of a firefight, etc. Having someone uninvolved able to just destroy our stuff because they want to is a bit much. at a federal or an event, sure, i can see why keeping it would help, but nothing's going on and im chilling in a random town, i shouldnt be able to just get blasted into next year.

    Either allow us to defend ourselves in these particular instances, or hold people to the same standards for every other combat instance that we have as medics.
  13. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Remove the Armor on Armor clause for non-fed medics   
    it's dumb. we're strictly prohibited from using our vehicles in an offensive manner as medics as per our SOPs. if we fight back, it's a potential warning or points. Yet civilians, even when we're not in the vehicle itself can just launch it around, blow it up, send us flying, with no repercussion. MOST of us (not particularly me, but alot of others) only tend to pull it out when we need the armor to defend ourselves, i.e. caught in a crossfire, sheltering from rdmers, getting up one of our own from the middle of a firefight, etc. Having someone uninvolved able to just destroy our stuff because they want to is a bit much. at a federal or an event, sure, i can see why keeping it would help, but nothing's going on and im chilling in a random town, i shouldnt be able to just get blasted into next year.

    Either allow us to defend ourselves in these particular instances, or hold people to the same standards for every other combat instance that we have as medics.
  14. flyrobert1000 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Improved Arson   
    Bro hear me out. listen. alright so like just hold up a minute and hear me out. so like this is a good idea, i promise. anyway, hear me out, bro just hold on. i think this would be a great idea, you just gotta hear me out. alright, you listening? good. hear me out on this now. cuz i think you'd like what im about to say. so anyway. listen bro.

    police and fire departments should be able to be arsoned.
    k bye
  15. Mandalorian 2.0 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Assassinate the Governor   
    so anyway i started blastin'.

    i mean if i have to explain this, the title has failed me.

    governor gets on, there's a bounty on his head apparently. cops do the cop thing and protect him or move him to a safehouse or something. people have to try and kill him.

    governor dies, all drugs are legal or something for like... an hour. idk you think of the reward. governor lives, skill issue, cops get paid.

    There is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no queen of england.
  16. Mandalorian 2.0 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Success Rate for Defibs   
    Don't get me wrong, i understand WHY everyone should be allowed to defib, but i feel like there should be a chance for the defib to not work and/or break.

    Civilians would have the lowest, cops would be mid-tier, and then medics would be a 100% garantee, giving people a reason to call us and/or cops to wait on us when we're close by, rather than running halfway across the map, only to end up a couple hundred meters away and seeing someone's friend or another cop wasting our time by reviving them.
  17. K0Mat0s3 liked a post in a topic by Bread in AFD Staff Roster   
    Fire Chief 
    Assistant Chiefs:
    @Gamer4LifeHQ (Michael)
    @DRAGON-SFV666 ([Pilot] Choo-Choo420)
    Medical Director:
    Retired Fire Chief:
    Retired Asst. Chief
    B. Stevens
    John Oasis
    Rare African Bush Tiger
    Retired Paramedic
    Alshiq Fatarra
    Anthony Angel
    Dale Gribble
    Dan (Payne)
    Dr. Avatus
    J Lucky
    Red Baret
    Tommy Jones
  18. xGrizz liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Improved Arson   
    Bro hear me out. listen. alright so like just hold up a minute and hear me out. so like this is a good idea, i promise. anyway, hear me out, bro just hold on. i think this would be a great idea, you just gotta hear me out. alright, you listening? good. hear me out on this now. cuz i think you'd like what im about to say. so anyway. listen bro.

    police and fire departments should be able to be arsoned.
    k bye
  19. Charks liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Assassinate the Governor   
    so anyway i started blastin'.

    i mean if i have to explain this, the title has failed me.

    governor gets on, there's a bounty on his head apparently. cops do the cop thing and protect him or move him to a safehouse or something. people have to try and kill him.

    governor dies, all drugs are legal or something for like... an hour. idk you think of the reward. governor lives, skill issue, cops get paid.

    There is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no queen of england.
  20. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a post in a topic by K0Mat0s3 in Medics Should Get Hard Hats   
    bruh. look at this drip. cmon.
  21. K0Mat0s3 liked a post in a topic by shawn in What's everyone playing?   
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