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"Games? See, that’s why you’re still stuck in the fucking Matrix. While you’re busy pressing buttons like a dork, I’m out here pressing weights and closing deals. I’ve got businesses making money every minute, cars in my driveway, real assets stacking up. You’re chasing virtual trophies - I’m out here collecting real power. I already beat the game, it’s called life, and I’m on God mode. Real Top G shit. You wanna win? Stop playing your little games and start playing the real game. Hustle, make money, and take control of your future, bro. Wake up."

Chris Peacock, GravL, Iuke and 4 others like this
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22 hours ago, bread_ said:

"Games? See, that’s why you’re still stuck in the fucking Matrix. While you’re busy pressing buttons like a dork, I’m out here pressing weights and closing deals. I’ve got businesses making money every minute, cars in my driveway, real assets stacking up. You’re chasing virtual trophies - I’m out here collecting real power. I already beat the game, it’s called life, and I’m on God mode. Real Top G shit. You wanna win? Stop playing your little games and start playing the real game. Hustle, make money, and take control of your future, bro. Wake up."

So gay and on welfare got it. Nobody with money or who works out or dates needs to reinforce this fact with random people on the internet lol. They just do it and know for themselves.  If you have to convince people how cool you are IRL that means you dress like a woman and sit down when you  pee.

moift likes this
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2 hours ago, Knight05 said:

So gay and on welfare got it. Nobody with money or who works out or dates needs to reinforce this fact with random people on the internet lol. They just do it and know for themselves.  If you have to convince people how cool you are IRL that means you dress like a woman and sit down when you  pee.

"Bro, of course you'd say that. Only a dude on welfare, stuck in the Matrix, sitting in his mom's basement eating instant noodles, would write something like that. ‘Nobody with money needs to reinforce it’—yeah, because you wouldn’t know what money even looks like, dork. I’m not out here convincing anyone, I’m out here winning. The only thing I’m convincing you of is how much better my life is while you’re sitting there in your Walmart sweatpants, talking tough from your $200 Craigslist setup.

And that whole ‘you dress like a woman’ line? Adorable. I could wear a ballerina outfit, roll up in a Bugatti, take your bitch, and leave your fat ass sitting like a dork in your Amazon Basics gaming chair. Meanwhile, you're struggling to find the ‘start’ button on life. You’ll be watching me from the sidelines, crying into your pillow and eating discount cereal. Top G level, Stay mad, bro. I’ll wave from the top.”


Donald, GravL and 王 rando 王 like this
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working on building myself, but in the mean time I've been dickin around on different games. Went back to 7 Days to Die solo and got bored after level 100 somethin, then started playing Mount and Blade Warband again. Starting to get bored with that too.


I've also been able to teach my 7 year old cat how to use the toilet. He doesn't flush it though and I'm sure he knows how. He just doesn't care.

massi likes this
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  • 1 month later...

old school runescape. no time or care to go outside and corrupt my soul for your earthly pleasures that come and go like a gust of wind.

saving my treasure for heaven not this pathetic construct so called life you all think is important rofl id rather live inside of the fantasty land in video games than be a normie ass bot of your abyssal world 

Edited by wompwomp
massi and xGrizz like this
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