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Ren Zero

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Everything posted by Ren Zero

  1. I'm getting an AMD card,does this mean I fucked up? Should I use OBS instead?
  2. ^ Getting a different graphics card, so I'm actually curious to see if there is anything similar to Shadow Play.
  3. I'll always remember you as the white dude who made me think he was black You will be back bb.
  4. Ren Zero


    Didn't I just see this yesterday or something? @Brendon Smith has a pretty good quote as his signature.
  5. Just a little, fun, un-edited clip. Still gathering clips for my funny moments.
  6. Application Format: ~ In game Name Zero ~ How many hours on Asylum? 400+ ~ Previous gangs: Imperium ~ Why do you want to join ZT? I'm getting back into Asylum and I want to have fun etc. I always see this gangs name on the maps controlling every cartel, etc. Overall, this seems like a good gang to join. ~ What can you bring to ZT? I am a great marksman/pilot, aswell as a great teammate. I feel like I would be able to help the gang out.
  7. shh... he didn't see it yet, he still thinks it's photoshop.
  8. pls bb harambe emote
  9. Think I'm rich or some shit???
  10. tyler mother fucking one
  11. Why can't Arma look like this Arma = BattleField =
  12. Well I'm not a professional or anything, these are just my personal opinions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe have the video play once, It would probably annoy or bother people that are reading the home page. The repeating music drove me insane, (like I said above maybe have it play once) Add some more detail, (There's only like two fonts) Maybe add a few tabs to the top, such as, Info, How to Join, Gang Highlights, and then Roster. (instead of having it all clustered on the home page). Make another recruitment page on your actual website, just in-case people don't have an Asylum forum account or would prefer to sign up there. (Might be hard to do as it would require a whole making an account creation) This was just me looking at the website for a couple of minutes and what I analyzed, yet again, these are just my PERSONAL opinions.
  13. It's a great start! Looking good, I would try to make it more professional looking, however that's just my input.
  15. Damn! What a sweet deal! I'm willing to pay 1 mil because I'm sure there will be a lot of other buyers! Especially since it is near the courthouse in Kavala.
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