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Posts posted by JAY1HP

  1. Just now, Khal said:

    I honestly think this should no longer a form of initiation, people use this as an excuse to camp on rooftops and snipe people. They text you saying "hands up or die" and kill you no matter what, most don't even have roleplay in mind, it's just an excuse to RDM


    How would people initiate then? What do you prefer? Do you have any other ideas of how people should? Let's hear some suggestions before shooting down a system that has worked fine for years.

    Bherky and Space like this
  2. I'm sure it could be done, but it most likely would be a mod seeing as the game has nothing of the sort already...Asylum has stated several times they are never going to add any downloadable mods to the server...


    Something that could be done is a scroll wheel option to GPS certain vehicles..Maybe an undercover unit tracking high bounty targets for a sting operation..

  3. 7 hours ago, KBW said:

    Hey, what's up guys?

    I haven't logged into this or arma in an age... But someone from here decided to contact me through youtube about helping Asylum.

    I'd be down, but just wanted to clear up a few things first.

    The reason I left before, was due to the fact that I was still in college. Coding, while fun, is extremely time consuming, and quite frankly added stress to my busy life.

    I've got a little more spare time now, so I'm willing to help out with the SQF, if they ask.

    The above isn't quite correct, but I won't fault him for mis-remembering as it has been some time. I messed around and put some funny things that I thought were proof of concept into the test environment, but it was just that, screwing around in the test environment. Gnashes knows the stairs on coke castle were a huge joke that we laughed pretty hard at, because I sucked at map editing. But yeah, I sure didn't care to have free reign.

    Hey man I tried to message you but you aren't receiving messages..Could you shoot me message I'd like to speak with you about something.

  4. Just now, Samperino said:

    OSRS is nothing more than an official private server. It's taken a whole different turn from what '07 should have been.

    Any changes they've implemented though has been strictly from the player base vote polls from what I've seen though?

  5. 13 hours ago, Azeh said:

    Allows police to quick-purchase their last loadout.

    Function for the gang leader to choose his own gang tag

    Loads up message history, and displays data about past messages...

    allows our bounty hunter to re-spec in the skiptracer system.

    Attempts to swap 1 item for another. Probably should have been a thing before now!

    Mail time, mail time, maaaaaaiiiilll tiiiiiiime!
    Written for Asylum Entertainment ™

    not to mention he wrote the cartel system

  6. Just now, UncleGeo - CQC said:

    lol so you think the chinese hacked asylums database? are you high?

    for the amount of time that they kept it up and running without asylum changing the password to their database, i can guarantee that they made their own database. and yes it is an sql script that runs through mysql (or any other database program)

    the same could be done to a cqc server. hell, it could be done to a fucking training server.

    all im saying is that if i was actually worried about having people join a server that was copied off of mine, i would implement ways that would deny you from running he mission file off of a host (like a database or obfusication) follow the conversation google bitch

    nobody hacked it what are you talking about?> the files were leaked aroudn version 7..the altis life database can be downloaded through google.com...they just added the tables needed for aslyums mission file or renamed them accordingly...yes there is script to insert the tables but you don't need it, and when i said insert the ip and passoword i was speaking on the files in the mission file that connect it to the sql, and im done man i have nothing to prove to you, your reputation is stained nobody is trying to get their IP leaked, and I don't really care leak mine I don't think i've played on your server since I moved anyway

  7. Just now, UncleGeo - CQC said:

    how do you think the talents safe?

    how do you think the bounty saves?

    these are all new entries for the database so it saves serverside.

    did you think these saved locally? 


    dude i know what the sql database is, i'm not sitting here arguing with you..there isn't an "SQL SCRIPT" you just put the IP and passwords to the sql...it's so simple like i said a child could do it..

    Google™ likes this
  8. Just now, UncleGeo - CQC said:

    but who's server would someone rather join? one that is constantly updated and will have a more constant supply of people on it, or one that is constantly copying off of other peoples servers.

    you are correct about no coding knowledge: you can copy and copy all you want, but how far will that get you? What happens when you want to add something new that noone has thought of before? 

    Dont act like the chinese did it by changing a few things. I hope you realize that asylum has a different sql script that writes to a database differently than core altis life does, and the only way to copy their mission file is to dig into the asylum mission file and write a new sql script for the database, which takes a little bit more work than copying off the internet. And when you may ask: no you can't just copy asylums sql because that is not what gets downloaded into the mission file.

    or i can do what i mentioned above and create  a new sql for it, which i know for a fact that noone beside the chinese can replicate,

    or i can do what olympus does and obfuscate the mission file so that noone can open it,

    or both.



    Google™ likes this
  9. Just now, UncleGeo - CQC said:

    first of all, if you have ever joined the server i would already have your ip; therefore, it is useless not to play because you worry about having your ip leaked.

    second of all, we all know what happened the first time i leaked the ips, so i wont do it again. the reason i leaked ip's was not for my best interest, i did it FOR other people.

    google? manage a server? ha

    you act like you will run it forever, while also spending money and time on it.

    and that is if you can figure out how to actually open up/set up the arma server.

    i did alot of things on that mission file that you would have to change, and if you did want to edit it, you would have to go digging.

    i dont think any of the retards in this post could make it past how to open up an sqf file @frantic

    i could easily do it, i've had servers since arma 2... it is very simple you act like it is hard i was doing it at 16 years old with no coding knowledge whatsoever you can  bascially join a few servers and use their own files and edit some things to your liking, the chinese even did it with asylums mission file. all you need to have is money to keep the server up.

    and once you drop your new server, all someone has to do is connect, paste the new files in and they are ready to go. quit being naive. 

    Google™ likes this
  10. 3 hours ago, UncleGeo - CQC said:

    lol, classic

    you can have the old one, but it will be useless when i make the new one ;)


    Pretty sure if you leaked IP's nobody will want to join it again dude

    2 hours ago, Google™ said:

    Aye toss the mission file and I'll launch a cheap VPS on OVH.

    Anyone that has connected to the server has the mission file in appdata anyway


    3 hours ago, frantic said:

    Its alright, I got the mission file and will be making it drug/og/church/fed only. I also wont be giving away IP's


    Also, @Google™ will not be banned from my server


    Do you know when you'll have it ready?

    Google™ likes this
  11. medics have been garbage on this server for years...the payout is 800 dollars per person i'd rather kill myself than play medic they are so stingy with payouts but price everything through the roof..no wonder people troll..they make 800 bucks per revive and they realize they've been conned so they just ram a heli into someone out of anger..if there were actual incentives to playing medic ppl woulddn't abuse it because they would lose privileges ..you would  have the occasional troll here n therebut you can';t avoid that.

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