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Everything posted by AdaM_

  1. Do you have teamspeak?: ts is to mainstream I use mumble 14+ Years of age : sorta Be mature At times : k 500+ Hours on arma : ye NEED ASIAN ACCENT!!! : bit weeby but I'll work with it BE MATURE AT TIMES! : k In-Game Name: AdaM Age: 18 Estimated Asylum Time: dno Bank Balance: to much Have you ever been banned? ye Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? I have a mic and mumble Current and Past Gangs? Colourful radiation, Legacy, Instinct If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? not in 1 Why do you want to join our gang? sounds sik Do you know any members of our gang? no
  2. AdaM_

    Bye Asylum

    Was fun playing with you man GL in the future
  3. You montaged those cops good
  4. I'm going to go ahead and advise against that, for your sake
  5. nah your mouse flicked ur hakin 4 sure Good montage little man
  6. I hear Garry's mod rp servers are booming right now sounds like something you would like, and neck yourself
  7. Retards that are more relevant that you'll over be Leave my bae brutal alone
  8. Sick edit, Nice kills Keep these videos coming
  9. His balls drop in the last 10 seconds of the song kek
  10. My place. 8pm. Candels and wine
  11. I'm not going to carry on with the toxic shit because I got carried away, but I guess that explains everything John
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