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Posts posted by Jamal

  1. @Mitch (IFRIT) Instead of cartels maybe we should switch things up lets have something new to do on rebel life if ANYBODY has ideas please post but why not something like a rebel base that rebels can take over and if a gang takes it over only they can buy guns from there. IDK just throwing ideas out hopefully we'll find something, because it has been getting more and more boring doing the same thing for 3 years we truly need innovation.

    DankBud likes this
  2. Just now, Jbdragon said:

    Oh but then you would actually have to talk and RP with the cops to get a bounty reduced or pardoned instead of just sitting and waiting to be lethaled by cops and then complain about it when they dont use downing. Stop crying and complaining, we all know you dont play enough nor do you care to bring something new to the Asylum servers to try. 

    this may have come off to hostile towards the apd I do not mean this in a negative way but from my experience (3 years of asylum) has taught me that this community can be abusive of anything we can get our hands on. Both ends abuse things and I can understand that rebels abuse the unreachable to get an easy pardon, even though I haven't played recently there has been one thing that has remained consistent in my time here is the lack of rp most of the lower apd members give (and some higher ups) tell me that isn't the truth.

  3. Just now, Clint Beastwood said:

    Because that's always better than, you know, personal experience. 

    I will be coming back to asylum in 2-3 days when I come back I will make sure to note down the things I see then to use that data and apply that to the update you want I will then come up with my opinion although I take a lot of breaks from asylum and whenever I come back not much changes, so I am extremely skeptical.

  4. Just now, Tom Kappa said:

    1. Here is the difference though, An unarmed man comes up and says hands up or die, You don't know whether u are facing someone that is trolling you or someone that actually has 3-10 people backing him when he says it.

    2. See this I honestly disagree with, But the problem is, Trying to force a Nlr period will cause massive amounts of reports to flow in. The more rules we have, the less fun the game becomes and the more time you spend reporting people

    3. Thats how it should be? Why should we be under-powered?

    4. Well if you feel this could be handled better, Go ahead and please explain how you would want this to be run.

    5. Outnumbered? Your joking right. We are expected to adleast patrol most of the land of altis, Most of the time, I have 1-4 people in Kavala with me and farmersville has 5+ or more at all times. This is not even including others that are in a buddy system with them or other gangs that want to go ahead and fight us. 

    6. Where did I ever say I wanted better armor or more numbers? Why should lethaling be a way to get out of crimes. So u go ahead and kill 20 people only to run into your house, Get lethaled because you are shooting a $2000 rook out the window and we get what? $200? That is hilarious.


    Yeah alright. Got it.

    you're obviously extremely new here ill map this out for you a little better

    1) you are right i completely agree but thats part of being a cop

    2) I'm not saying force an NLR period but it isn't fun for the other side when you just get wave after wave of cops coming after you and then they saltily give you a full ticket cuz you wiped them 5 times.

    3) This falls into my 4th point their is more of you on then a regular rebel gang and a lot of the times as soon as a cop gets wiped with his buddy they call for backup by getting a sgt or higher now you got 15 cops on your ass.

    4) A lot of REAL REBELS have expressed their opinions about this but it falls on deaf ears because the apd is catered to IE. this current poll. Also not only in cartels but also anywhere else at meth lab or even rebel its just really scummy to do and when i was part of the apd I've seen higher ups tell people to wait for them to come back after their 5-6 time.

    5) with a real gang there are around 5-9 players on regularly (I know you don't know anything about gangs because you made a forums account to join the apd) but usually there are 15 cops on when there are 5-9 so rebels are outnumered.

    6) I never said YOU specifically wanted better armor or numbers thats just the way the apd turned out. Going somewhere unreachable is the only way to get a pardon with the apd theres too many robocops now adays even if you attempt to rp with them they'll just sit on your phone and give you a half ticket or parole once your done. And you don't have to pay for your loadout's you get em free. Honestly you haven't been here long enough to put in your two cents so I would just stay quiet.

    PS: get the fuck outta kavala what are you doing

    bigjohn561 likes this
  5. Just now, Tom Kappa said:

    U guys are at the disadvantage? Your joking right? Lets talk about groups. OMEGALUL. One person initiates and the entire police force is Kos

    1) its the same for a whole gang if i have gang tags on then im kos I've gotten downed plenty of times because one of my gang mates was shooting at cops even though I was unarmed.

    2)Also you guys have unlimited lives you can spawn again and again and come back after my ass

    3) yall now have level 2 armor which is on par with anything I can put together (except for csat and carrier lite)

    4) you can chase us into a cartel and if your fingerless ass sat in a bush you can come back with 20 guys

    5) you outnumber any gang on this server

    and now you not only want better armor and more numbers but also to lethal me and not have it pardon me, fucking pathetic.

  6. all I'm hearing from higher ups is: WAAAAAAAAAH were not doing a good job and leading the apd and we want the rebels to be at even more of a disadvantage then they already are.

    Rebel community is toxic but at least we have our leaders and older players taking control of the situation, you all couldn't lead a fucking horse to its hay. Instead of asking for changes from bamf with lethals why don't you instead look at the apds community and deal with your end of things first.

    BioHazard likes this
  7. 1 hour ago, Clockwerk said:

    Honestly the lethal pardon is just an escape for people and they just hide on a roof and stand up on purpose. I say remove the lethal pardon. Not only will it increase role play for the bounties, it will make cop and bounty hunting a lot more enjoyable cause we all know people want the big bounties. If anything just decrease the jail time for max bounties to something like 28-32 mins and im sure you'll see an increase in all factions of the game.

    The reason why they are the big bounties is because they're with a gang and fully geared and they have the skill to kill/evade the cops. To then say that we should allow them to capture rebels when they just want to get re-geared is ridiculous. It's the same as telling cops to go run around a cartel with Po7's and no vest and try and catch a full gang.

  8. 8 hours ago, Jbdragon said:

    +1 what scott said

    Just make it so you dont get pardon after a cop lethals you.

    are you fucking mental "hey we use lethals too much so lets just make it so that we can lethal them then have another cop waiting in a town to down and robocop them" you can't have the cake and eat it too.

    I have a good idea lets make it so that cops can only give pardons when they process someone isn't that a great idea guys?

    Frizzy likes this
  9. Just now, Medi said:

    Stop breaking the law then? :shrug:

    thats the same as saying don't play the game anymore :thinking:

    also I've noticed people getting extremely upset about not having a "real update" shut the fuck up all of you are ungrateful bamf and gnashes do this because they love the servers and community. This is a thankless job already you don't have to make it any worse.

    Frizzy likes this
  10. 4 hours ago, Jbdragon said:


    And @bamf no more cop lethal payouts A.K.A no bounty wipe for cops lethaling a wanted person, I think it would bring alot to asylum and open up more opportunitys for the people of asylum. 

    I know Clint,Dk and clock are for this idea as am I.  

    It's very easy to think of things on one side imagine yourself being a regular rebel that has wiped the police force 10 times now and they are extremely salty do you think they are gonna rp with you? I have sat at hq for 45 minutes explaining all of my charges and at the end I always ask them to explain some of my story back to me to see if they listened. 90% do not. This will just hurt rebel life even more, I ask that you please reconsider the idea and maybe play under an alias with all 4 of you see what happens if your not recognized as an admin/captain. Before implementing serious changes like that ask some old school and respected rebels.

  11. Hey all just trying to get some recommendations on a pc I should get currently don't have one and am willing to spend around 1800 bucks hmu if you know any good deals thanks! 

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