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Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Fried Rice

  1. Seeing as i go to the school 3 miles away from this i'm glad he said something, thank you Walter <3
  2. Yes you do, if the item is already sold you will not receive anything but it will still say you bought it. With cops you should be able to lock pick and pull them out.
  3. Thank you @Reapered for bringing me the joy of quad bike jousting! If you have a bounty greater than 100k this could total be a new alternative to trial my combat XD
  4. Lmfao end game no it’s not you can fill each crate up in a house and do crank and get 450k
  5. All you need is a couple of smoke grenades and you wont get shot
  6. What me being able to spawn in my own house to go fight? Im sure they can add something to where you can only spawn once.
  7. Why was spawning in turf houses taken out? I remember being able to spawn in my house in a contested turf and get my gun and go fight but that is no longer a thing. It kinda makes most turf houses obsolete. Can this be added back, and if it can't why not? @Gnashes @bamf @Mitch (IFRIT)
  8. On market for 500k if you want it
  9. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): Kavala Asking Price: offer Description: Its good for killing cops and sitting there when you are wanted in kavala. Pictures/Video Walk-through:https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925923491961261882/AAB13F2AA9A4BC7BE47B63824E5D6804DB9D1CC8/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925923491961263080/08E23AC7F688C1DB52C9AB1359DA0E4553837B3B/
  10. Hey i remember you guys i was in bad company and devils birgade on tanoa. We had some good fights! good luckkkk
  11. Fried Rice


    Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): Rodopoli Asking Price: Offer above 500k Description: Its a good house right behind the flag and you can see the flag from the window upstairs Pictures/Video Walk-through:https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925923491958612233/89ED77EB9E6B69452B03ACA75F182CDCB5CB4740/
  12. I made 39k in a hemmt fuel without the cartel
  13. In-game name: Chow Mein Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): https://imgur.com/UzK26Qv Previous gang affiliations: Onyx Space Turtles FSA Bad Company Why we should accept you: Idk im kinda good at driving i can shoot and i follow orders Member who can vouch for you : Blade maybe we have hung out a couple of times
  14. Fried Rice


    Anyone knows who owns this house on server 1? I own the shed right next to it and am willing to pay quite a bit for it... Its a 120k house above pyrgos. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925923196433075491/31A7F61F42DCFCAEE4648C5B5BAEB70226B4B2F1/
  15. Fried Rice


    Hey welcome! If you need anything feel free to ask.
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