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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Ray.

  1. They should add Apolos 13 to skiptracer so bounty hunters would be able to fly over to skytracer
  2. It's slow as hell + everyone is carrying lockpicks. How many cops are on compared with civs on? Everyone is trying to steal it and chop it. So there is a higher chance for your Hunter to be chopped than an Ifrit siezed by police. So I don't see it as that big advantage as you do and don't see a reason for them not being able to craft.
  3. Rebels can craft their Ifrits. What about make Bounty Hunters able to craft their hunters? @bamf
  4. people are also pulling out they Ethernet cables out while being restrained... That should be considered as a combatlog too!
  5. I'm buying for 15k each!
  6. Ray.

    Change log 7.8.0

    @bamf we need that P 07 taser sound... Please....
  7. Why not? He's on parole for a reason. Who cares about his 2 speeding tickets making him ping at Coke field? He is supposed to be law abiding Citizen for next 60 minutes and If he wouldn't be and we would bust him running coke and charge him then he would violate his parole and would be processed. Another thing is when he has parole violation for a manslaughter and he comes to you with his RP and explanation why he had to do it. Yea of course he could do it purposely but he could also get robbed or any kind of "hanzap o diee" thing so he just had to violate that. This is time for pardoning him. When you're putting that guy on parole: Sir I'm gonna put this ankle bracelet on your right ankle. When someone's asking you for pardoning his speeding tickets: Sir, can you show me your ankles? I need to take a look If you're not wearing one of those tracking GPS bracelets.
  8. +1 but about SS - governor may hire bounty hunters or rebels and make a group. Don't think it's necessary to make a special faction for this. - Governors should have more privileges - Would be great to see PRESS clothing and vest available so we can RP with governors, civs or APD officers and find TV broadcasts more useful.
  9. Mkay. You may lock it and delete it. Didn't know it's that diffucult and causing issues.
  10. am not talking about storing backpacks full of load, just empty backpacks. If it's able to do restriction for emptied only it's ok. If not due to Arma, nevermind then.
  11. Is that possible to make backpacks persistent through server restart so we can store them in our crates for later use? They disappear after restart. Thanks @Paratus
  12. There were too many threads about EMS but they don't care about this faction
  13. This is suggestion thread not "Another place to troll thread". GTFO of my lawn
  14. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 120k Location (Town/DP#): Abdera Asking Price: Offer Description: Long house on Abdera dirt road. Comes with 2 barrels and one crate. Bids starting on 900k. Gyazo tomorrow am out of town.
  15. offer for 3 storage with 2 barrels and 1 crate?
  16. of course it is important... We need to taaaaze. But now in all seriousness. It would be super cool to have it and couldn't be that hard to implement. We beg you your Majesty Gnashes
  17. Saw this on another not moded server. I'm not talking about changing it's skin for a Taser skin but talking about P 07 sound when shot is fired and target is downed. It would be nice to have it because when I'm dealing with unarmed or small armed civ who's resisting arrest, I like to switch MX for P 07 and RPing that situation like am holding a taser. Even civ is having fun when being chased by "Taser" and would be also more fun for other civs witnessing another civ being tased with lot of verbal warnings before taser was shot. - would be new feature for cops and another thing they can RP about. @bamf, @Paratus
  18. +1 especially for that fuel consumption! Now you can drive your hatch for a whole server uptime without refuel... That sucks. Civs should meet each other while refueling and swear about fuel prices.
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