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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. you have the acoustic button on your headset enabled?
  2. Good shit thero #GayVeganFeministsForLife
  3. E S T I M A T E D T I M E O F A R R I V A L ?
  4. did you add the part where me and eduardo meme'd and executed you guys and you guys logged?
  5. Go home clint, your drunk.
  6. ya'll kids fighting and im over here like
  7. D U P L I C I T Y Duplicity is a group of friends who look to enjoy the game. Purpose of Duplicity is to enjoy the game and have fun. Gang Requirments Minimum Age 16 Minimum 800 Arma Hours Cartel / Turf Experience Vouch from member+ Roster Application Format
  8. Server 1 3 crate long house (120k) about 1km away from the lab looking for offers, no low balls
  9. Any way to transfer the chrome offroad skin from the regular offroad onto the armed offroad?
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