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  1. wowzers brobeans this is heckin good
  2. This is elysium now? lmao Yikes! Bad kids stay bad. Honestly hurt to watch.
  3. Flex queue is ranked but with more than duos. There is still solo q tho
  4. If synergy fails youre always welcome in vape naysh +1 best gosh diddly darn shot ive ever seen
  5. Vape Nation, Proud of you keep up the good work!
  6. Denied. Please come back with some more experience vaping.
  7. About us https://www.instagram.com/blakevapes/?hl=en Pretty much all the info needed Roster Leaders: Blake Vapes, S1mple, Ollie Members: Ritzy, Assert, ChurchHD, Jim, LeonSugarfoot, Hardy B Trials not listed. Requirements - Video proof of you vaping -None to any amount of experience in arma Application format If you want to apply to Vape Nation follow the format below -Name -Age -Timezone -Hours in arma -Favorite Vape flavor -Estimate Hours Vaping Tags \//\
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