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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by KrazyKnight

  1. Better suggestion would be to remove the medic whitelist. Useless and only get in the way.
  2. Didn't we try this with crypto? I don't remember, but I thought that didn't end well, no?
  3. Can we get a definitive yes or no on this? This topic keeps coming up, and there's never been a, direct yes or no answer from any of the owners/devs. Would be nice to put this to bed. I've looked, and the topic keeps coming back up on and off since 2019.
  4. It was brought up but never pushed for. We never really reached a consensus. My guess is no.
  5. Never forget the riverboat pirates. That shit was awesome.
  6. Thanks for the memories! Regardless of what happens to the server, it was one helluva ride.
  7. Approved or not the boxes don't care
  8. Nah not even close. A dignified send off would be a blowout type event with a server count down type shit for the end or something. If the wipe doesn't work out, it'll go out in a whimper. That's the tragedy out of all of this.
  9. KrazyKnight


    Bro, dude, it's only 30-50 because of summer school. I swear it'll get better when school is out. Pinkie promise!
  10. YOU WILL BE GETTING POINTS!!!! It was fun while it lasted.
  11. KrazyKnight


    Vanilla Gaming Asylum
  12. Getting close to a month here. What's the status?
  13. The community has spoken after all.
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