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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by KrazyKnight

  1. You could record the meeting from start to finish if that's an idea.
  2. KrazyKnight


    To add, you can get PCP at the fungi den as well. But yeah, not being able to make it. That and it's a low percent chance of you getting PCP. Should just remove it imo.
  3. Shouldn't be necessary at this point. It's do or don't at this point. I say do it.
  4. When are we going to get together and 1v1? Nice head shot frag in the air btw.
  5. He killed The IRS. What a hero!
  6. Clearly you need to buy better houses to run LSD. Main issue with it really is the cut it takes when you do the sheet process, since it's already taking your pills. Only real worth running it at this stage is when you own drug cartels.
  7. I don't believe that's what Johnny meant. Just a small 30 minute event and then after said event it would be normal as usual. A miniature Dom if you will.
  8. Yep. Same one that took out Durga all those years ago while I was on cop.
  9. In game name:KrazyKnight Age:24 Location/Timezone:USA EST Arma 3 hours(screenshot):https://i.gyazo.com/0de515df56c032edfbdfe94d5ba4f183.png Asylum hours: Same amount of time, if not less. I've only play KOTH and asylum. Hell made my start in asylum. Previous gangs:Black Spades,Uninvited,Independent Slayers Do you have sufficient cartel experience?: I love me some dildo rock. And yes. Why do you want to join us?:For the memes and for the lolz. And be in a good well known gang. What can you bring to the FSA?:More memes, and some good CQC combat. I suck at long rang, sorry bois. Do you know any current members who can vouch for you:? @Alec-I
  10. it's 2022 i guess im gay
  11. Valid point here. That's why I was mentioning The fact that you'd only get the one chance and it would be extremely hard for them to get out due to this fact. End of the day this would negatively affect APD but at the very least it would make it more dynamic for the rebel side. Even with that extremely slim chance. This and go either way personally for me since I main cop these days anyhow.
  12. This is my suggestion too when this was brought up in general chat. Make it so it's only one shot chance and have a really low percentage on release. It's the officers responsibility to make sure that they're seizing all illegal items before processing anyhow. Or hell right after combat. But the main requirement should be at least one lock pick on your inventory already.
  13. KrazyKnight


    Down with the government! Taxes are too damn high!
  14. Is it too late to join???
  15. Just for you, I'll pull out all my hunters when I hop on cop.
  16. No one really used that feature and it was suggested at one point to give a bonus reward if the officer responded. End of the day, it was mainly used to AFK on cop so you could get your hours, seen it happen when I was an LT multiple times and it became a problem.
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