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Everything posted by Jwilly

  1. West and H barrier. I came from the west...
  2. Its understandable when you are doing a bank or fed. However it is pretty annoying when you are trying to do coke or meth and they keep coming back after you shit on them time and time again. They have 0 chill and 0 morals. It should be like common courtesy if rebels shit on you more than 3 times at meth lab or cocaine pit dont come back because they earned their money but no. Since 95% of cops are bots they have no chill. On top of this what makes it even more gay is the last cop alive will be a pussy bitch and hide so he can "call in backup" or if they have an undercover he can come back to "check the illegal area" immediately and he will just call in more backup. Its annoying. Like i honestly feel bad for new people trying to make money since the cops just keep coming back to illegal areas so much. And this is complete bs they ALWAYS find a bullshit reason to come back to an illegal area.
  3. i told u im a retard at this stuff
  4. No black bars this time ps im a render bot
  5. Jwilly

    Arma help

    He is saying make sure your headset is set as the default device under playback devices.
  6. That loooouuuuuudddddd
  7. Also it may help to take out ur hard drive or ssd wrap it in tinfoil and then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. That should clean your memory
  8. yeah bunni while ur doing the magnet thing rub ur socks on carpet and then rub ur hands on all ur pc components
  9. This isnt humanity its the asylum community...
  10. Maybe this will go viraL.... lol nice tage dude!
  11. Is post malone like the prime gang musician?
  12. *shoots 2 shots* "oh get 1 tapped kid!"
  13. https://gyazo.com/79a893749ad67ddb89366d8198978ec7
  14. Nothing compared to Toxicity got Talent tbh
  15. Are u supposed to be able to pull people out of an ifrit from inside of another ifrit?
  16. Well the whole gang did it so of course there was some on the market. Either way even if i had made like 98k heroin or coke would have been more profitable
  17. Here is the thing, yesterday we did a gang run of meth in box trucks. We owned rodo and drug cartel. Started from rodo it took us over an hour to do and i made 85k(had to fight cops and rebels at ephedra)... Which is pretty gay if u ask me because before restart we all did box trucks of heroin in less than 20 mins and made about 55k. Also i could do a boxtruck of cocaine and make 67k max( if i own drug cartel) and with rodo that would take prolly 25-30 mins. So i think the gathering time for meth ingredients SHOULD be decreased because instead of doing meth for an hour and making 85k i could do heroin for an hour and make roughly 150k or do cocaine for an hour and make roughly 120k.
  18. We grinding out here boys! https://gyazo.com/c05ee75254e31576c5193ba6f0cd9a8c
  19. Get this shit out of here... It isnt a video or screenshot!
  20. for a small fee of 750k i will guarantee bunni will give u trial.
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