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Posts posted by Reavantos

  1. Just now, Maxwell Santos said:

    i remember the checkpoint in kavala bay (only pictures) and here is a techinically racist emote! :FeelsBadMan:

    Like with boats and dive suits? That is actually a great idea #savetheturtles

  2. 2 minutes ago, Dork said:

    The God Damn police Checkpoints.

    I havent seen one in over 2 months.

    Stop having a blood lust for money and RP again.

    I personally love doing checkpoints. I agree, they need to make a comeback.

    /|/|0T4RD likes this
  3. if you playing at 1080p the 1070 is overkill (its better than a 980 ti) and will do well even at 1440p 1080 is great and future proof. but that also comes at a higher pricetag


    and yes arma is as much cpu focused as gpu. But, a i7 is still overkill for most gaming applications. a 4690k i5 would be more than enough. ( i have a 2600k 780ti system that does just as well in a3 on asylum as my main with a 4690k and a 970 GTX SSC)

  4. 19 minutes ago, Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz said:

    I noticed something in this video that Asylum badly needs, an NLR timer! If they can get it working in A3L then I don't see why Paratus can't make something similar for Asylum. 

    They have said it would require more staff, rule changes etc. and honestly, Asylum and A3L are 2 very different communities. You can't compare the 2.

  5. 50 minutes ago, Vasily said:

    It's frustrating if you 


    Picklock or Hit&Run (by mistake)

    and the cops just know it and it adds your bounty, even when you arent spotted doing it. Sometimes a friend got hit/desynced and vdm not on purpose and you get arrested for it or bountyhunters come.

    I would like to see this changed, however it's logical that the police knows you have speeding tickets tho.

    It's weird that police takes your gun license after a picklock action shouldnt be possible unless you kill people.

    As for police should investigate more instead of having everything on their plate show in a computer.

    Bountyhunters shouldn't be able to hide their shield.

    Police should have better noticable cars, it's hard to distinct police cars from normal cars.

    Police should have better noticable clothing / 1 Uniform or Bright colors it's hard to detect police from bountyhunters or just other players.

    Medics shouldnt be able to wear guns, noticed this and they killed people.

    Would like to see / fire department or any that you can call from accidents.


    Overal would like to see more roleplay into game and better noticable outfits for police/bounty hunters.

    bounty hunters and undercover cops are suppose to be hidden in plain site.

    if a medic is wearing a gun, its not a real medic, its someone in stolen medic clothing.

    also if you want more roleplay, you should try to inspire others to do it by weaving a amazing story yourself. but bottom line : minimum rp server.

    sakha and Olivia like this
  6. 14 minutes ago, Maxwell Santos said:

    Im here to offend everyone. He was just a fucking gorilla and none of you have heard of him until this stupid ass harambe meme came out and now you think harambe is you're fucking sibling that got shot in the face.



  7. 1 hour ago, Roree Dottin said:

     High-up cops should not be able to shoot unarmed civs

    1.)How else can you catch a evading/ fleeing suspect?

    2.) Assuming anyone would listen to this madness. People would just abuse the crap out of it.


  8. IF only there was a search function..






    You could also do the same for new life rule. and find out why asylum doesnt have a blanket one as it would require civs to adhere to it as well. 


    TL:DR search


    OK, back to fixing my house..

    Maxツ likes this
  9. 3 minutes ago, Mcgee said:

    Is there a way to increase the slots then?

    Sure, if you want more desync and less reliability. 100 slots is already past what the server client was designed for. even with a headless client.. what your suggesting is ill advised.


    be patient, you will get in eventually.



    Furnie Mack likes this
  10. 28 minutes ago, ramjam said:

    Bounty Hunters won't listen to any reasonable excuse, even with multiple supporting witnesses. I've even had bounty hunters try to snatch me from within the police station, while speaking with a police officer.

    I Also think its because there is not much regulation on them unless they are reported. A lot of them will just down you without saying a damn thing..and it creates a bad image for all bounty hunters even though there are plenty of BH's who operate properly/fairly.

    Eric916 and Furnie Mack like this
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