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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by HomeUser

  1. -1 You put me on blast when you don't even know me
  2. I'd like to see all the times your head got ripped
  3. It comes with this http://www.gaming-asylum.com/goals/
  4. Added the title for the winners of gang wars probably
  5. You can already made 40k from a hatchback full of cocaine. I don't think this would be a good idea
  6. RIP I was gonna go for 'The Eminent' title tomorrow but now its gonna take me even longer
  7. Would you like a golden medal for downing a few rebels at a HQ?
  8. @massi Check my app @Bishopcome back to asylum
  9. You have straight up killed more people in the time you have been SGT than I've killed the whole time I've been a corp. (Referring to being lethal happy instead of making an attempt to push, your gun does shoot downing rounds btw)
  10. @DarkKnight @Agent Cucky @Nikola Tesla @Lucky @Dick Romney @Christian R @Donutkiller
  11. People have houses and are in gangs on 3. Why would you go to another server without houses and without gang perks?
  12. Just a little heads up for people who use TS3 beta if you update you wont be able to use the teamspeak unless you go back to stable version
  13. shhhhh i didnt litter
  14. At that point its just like tanoa . Everyone makes like 300k an hour
  15. Cops will just sever stack also. I don't think most corps would tell an LT to get out of a slot either
  16. I think its fine the way it is other than I really like the idea of precinct tags though that's awesome. Don't go for corp on a server that isnt up most of the day. Its that simple
  17. You could have just made 1 post...
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