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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom

    January patch

    Its been adjusted, started at 6 PM EST yesterday.
  2. Tom


    Mikey - 76561198085587460 - $6,900,000 sethb - 76561198343011864 - $2,412,000 BeefPoggenoff - 76561197997426986 - $1,300,000 BapeGoose - 76561198283988511 - $650,000 kny - 76561198206577809 - $625,000 Congrats to the top 5 winners, if you wish to play in the black tie event, please be at the casino at The Black Tie Event will be Monday, January 13th at 8 PM EST.
  3. Tom

    January patch

    Few things, The SRT Fortress marker disappeared on the map (bug) Medics & Cops can rent gas stations (bug) Bounties disappear again (bug) How many APD are required to be online for rebels to rob the srt fortess? On the APD policy update it says that only SGT + can activate srt for dom, can this be changed? SGTs+ arent always around.
  4. best fed event its the perfect balance between fed and evidence
  5. Should be able to have 3 houses 1 Shed (Doesn't count towards houses) 1 Garage (Doesn't count towards houses)
  6. There should be a new way to spend blood money at rebel called the Blood Money Shop. Zafir - 150K Blood Money Type .50 Mags - 100K Blood Money MXSW - 75K Blood Money Tier 5 Vest - 50K Blood Money
  7. Tom


  8. Tom


    How it works For the entire first week of January we will log how much you have won playing Blackjack The top 5 players who have won the most money will be invited to a black-tie event at the end of the week for a final showdown. The top 5 players who will be playing in the black-tie event will start with a bankroll of 1 million and after 45 minutes of gametime whoever has the most money will be crowned with 7.5 million dollars and a custom in game title. Event Starts January 1st 12:01 AM EST Event Ends January 8th 11:59 PM EST. The Black Tie Event will be Friday, January 13th at 8 PM EST. Good luck! IF YOU WANT TO PLAY If you are going to play, please respond with your player ID so we can keep track of you.
  9. Yes, when its a solo hobo its not good for a lot of cops to be there. But what fills the server is gangs. Gangs want to fight cops and do events. More cops on = more gangs.
  10. we want more cops on.. i would rather have 15 cops vs 6 of us..
  11. The Hardpoint in domination got bugged on Tuesday, after it finished it didn't move and only 3/4 flags were able to be captured from then on.
  12. The new tp script is great! ------- Remove the Arms Island and the Peninsula zone. The zone played today was good, if we can make more like that it would be great. I'd be willing to help make 2-3 zones around South Pyrgos / North Athira Some Suggestions Maybe change it to 2.5K points to win instead of time. A starting pot prize of already 5 million. 15 percent off on gear while dom active? Scoreboard at the end of dom while the cut scene is playing
  13. I don't understand why the hate on s2 domination, its 1 hour / 4 days a week. It takes away player numbers for 1 hour and people get on after to fight cops. There is a money cap now so the economy is not a issue. Please just let us play it.
  14. can yall add SRT to s1 dom that would be nice
  15. i am not sure what the weapon prices would be for the extended strife but if they are expensive no one would wanna play if there is a money cap are stats being combined for both v2 and v3? wars kill etc
  16. didn't hid the video from anyone, it was posted still on the forums buddy 😱
  17. cause its not as good as my other montages, kinda boring fights tbh
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