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Minimum compensation for police issued tickets

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This is a simple suggestion that would change the way officers are compensated when civilians pay tickets below a set threshold. Ever since the APD has been compensated for their efforts arresting and processing civilians, there has been various changes attempting to improve the roleplay and interaction between both factions. One such example of this was the parole system, while in principle it seemed like a good idea the parole system was heavily abused and provided both more lenient officers and "Robocop's" with a quick and easy way to deal with a civilians while taking advantage of a full payout. 

The change I propose would aim to do two things. First of all it would add more incentive for cops who are more "Money hungry" to issue tickets of a lower amount to civilians when they put good effort into roleplay and explaining their charges. On the other side it would reward police officers who are already more lenient and fair with their ticketing with additional monetary compensation.

The suggested change is simple. If an officer pardons or issues a ticket below 50% of the suspects bounty then the officers would receive a minimum compensation of 50% of said bounty.

For an example if a civilian has $100,000 worth of charges and an officer roleplays with them for 7 minutes and issues a ticket for $20,000 which the civilian then pays the officers would receive $50,000 (50%) of compensation instead of the current system which would be $20,000 (the ticket amount).

Compensation for tickets at or above 50% and suspects who are sent to jail would remain unchanged.


I feel like this change would be a great reward system that would improve the experience not only for the police but also for the civilians who would benefit from less interactions with the police where they feel that they are being treated unfairly or simple being ignored by certain police officers. 

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Be SGT > Do every trial by combat possible > Throw every trial by combat so civs know you're a free pardon > make fat stacks because I still get 50% for a pardon

Catch someone in a field, add charges. "Ill let you off with a warning" pardon
Read off someone's charges and they begin to explain.
"Sounds good pardoned"

Robo cop's wet dream

Junke and Polar like this
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