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New Updates?? Might bring asylum

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I've been thinking about how we can slightly bring back asylum but unfortunately its probobly too late for these but could give it a shot.. 

Rebel Changes 

*Add another rebel outpost(s)

*Add another robable place (like another fed but bigger risk with bigger rewards)

*Gang garage(and ability to store vehicle in gang garage that you have bought to you're personal garage)

*Add multiple banks/feds 


*New cartels with diffirent rewards (ifrit orca 50 cal with no ammo) 

Bounty Hunter Changes 

*nerf mx  and bh weapons 

*bh are not allowed to enter cartels unless their bounty is currently at the cartel (annoying having an mx shooting at u and downs u 1 shot) 

*honor is a little easier to obtain 

*more skiptracer bases

Admin Changes

*Add something similar to the "you have been in combat and cannot store vehicle" with combat logging like for 5 mins after getting shot at u can't log out or get automatic ban

*recruit new eager admins/devs that want to help the community

*Add automatic initiating system where u scroll when near a player to initiate on them and they get a message saying "you have been initiated on by [insert name] and now vulnerable for 5 mins if you're hands are not up" and goes throughout gang/group

Now of course these are just thoughts and i might just be a little too high thinking asylum has a chance of coming back. But having even some of these implemented would be great lmk what u think 



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Just now, squidward said:

I've been thinking about how we can slightly bring back asylum but unfortunately its probobly too late for these but could give it a shot.. 

Rebel Changes 

*Add another rebel outpost(s)

*Add another robable place (like another fed but bigger risk with bigger rewards)

*Gang garage(and ability to store vehicle in gang garage that you have bought to you're personal garage)

*Add multiple banks/feds 


*New cartels with diffirent rewards (ifrit orca 50 cal with no ammo) 

Bounty Hunter Changes 

*nerf mx  and bh weapons 

*bh are not allowed to enter cartels unless their bounty is currently at the cartel (annoying having an mx shooting at u and downs u 1 shot) 

*honor is a little easier to obtain 

*more skiptracer bases

Admin Changes

*Add something similar to the "you have been in combat and cannot store vehicle" with combat logging like for 5 mins after getting shot at u can't log out or get automatic ban

*recruit new eager admins/devs that want to help the community

*Add automatic initiating system where u scroll when near a player to initiate on them and they get a message saying "you have been initiated on by [insert name] and now vulnerable for 5 mins if you're hands are not up" and goes throughout gang/group

Now of course these are just thoughts and i might just be a little too high thinking asylum has a chance of coming back. But having even some of these implemented would be great lmk what u think 



Going in order:

  1. Not gonna happen been suggested before.
  2. I think something is in the works but dont quote me.
  3. Gang garage is coming.
  4. No need. 1 of each is enough.
  5. There has been cartel changes in the past and people have not liked them. The ones that we have now are the ones people have asked for.
  6. Mx doesnt need a nerf.
  7. BH are just like civs so they can go where they please. Always been that way dont think it'll change without backlash.
  8. You have to work for honor its the whole point of it.
  9. I think 2 skiptracers is enough but thats just me.
  10. Not gonna happen as there is too many factors that could lead to a false ban ie getting kicked, internet crashing, game crashing etc. Record and report.
  11. There was one who was supposed to help but he dipped.
  12. No. Text or direct chat them.


This is what most peoples response to your suggestions will be also imo.

Bama, Innate, Silver-Spy and 1 other like this
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Just now, Sean That Irish Guy said:

It was his end that wasnt able to upload from what im told. Shitty internet i think.

Entirely possible, I just have my doubts because we have all seen how there can be a rather extended delay on things in this community. It's almost like playing an early access game.

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