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    Isis Deathcamp
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    tentacles (in more than 7 ways

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  1. can i change the theme or some shit to go back?
  2. I haven't played regularly for a few months, is it worth it to come back full time? Mainly is gang life still dead / is the server fun in general or still kinda dying?
  3. Like lowkey just join the child rapist syndicate... we sell children and sometimes have a little more fun
  4. Please leave if you’re not gonna contribute dipshit.
  5. It depends on host, I'd recommend Host Havoc (Better overall) in which $80 slots (Good to begin with to have space for more people but not pay overly) is $40 per month. Sa-Matra uses another host (I forgot name, maybe GMC?) Which charges on CPU priority rather than player slots. If you can gain a following go that route but until the Development Team / Community Management can assess priority, it would most likely take Server 5's slot which is easily affordable compared to the amount of money Asylum brings in monthly. The real issue would be continuing to make money off it. You could just do player slots (Sa-Matra) or skins like Asylum has done. I think a real kicker to draw in players would be access to use Go-Kart / Civilian gear in war opposed to people getting it through the levelling system. Just my two cents though. Also @JAY1HP if you want help devving I'm always here.
  6. so if we gave you a jet could we say we nerfed em?
  7. Developing a King of the Hill server would (and please make this I am talking basic not fucking crack levelled shit) would be easier to develop than a Altis Life Server, even the building would be. If there was a big issue regarding development I know they used to have contributors, I would love to help as would others I believe. Bamf might have made a mistake but still at some level this is a company and he gains money from a functioning one. Gnashes I do admit seems to be inactive as of late but people could always pitch in. But as I said in the beginning
  8. There was one, then the guy gave away IPs and @DramaAlert exposed him.
  9. I feel like the admins will get on and kamikaze w/ jets for an event... idk y
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