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Everything posted by Joshhh

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asylums player base is a lot different to what it was, in general the community has aged quite a bit, more people have families and even more have finished school or whatever and are focused on a career, people don't have the time/nor want to spend the time doing fucking coke runs on arma 3 to afford a few kits... Yes people have millions, but why is that a problem, its been this way for years, sure people have more, but once you're into the millions it doesn't really matter? If we take everyone's money away a good chunk aren't coming back.
  2. Sure it will reset the economy, but people will get money back over time (if they bother playing, I know many won't), and then we will be back to exactly where we are now because no one is making any new content... I said this on another post yesterday, the only thing added since DECEMBER 2021 that you might class as content is quests, of course people are getting bored and stopping playing the server hasnt had anything new to do in almost a year... If the economy is the main problem why not just look at adding some money sinks, i.e actually impactful taxes on sheds/3 crates in certain areas. If the economy is in such a dire state why hasn't anything been done to solve it and all of a sudden it needs a wipe?
  3. Would this not just kill the server? Who the fuck wants to do runs nowadays, surely the majority will just play other servers like oly where im sure they already have $$$ and dont need to grind for hours. I barely play anymore so idc but I dont envisage many people looking forward to the idea of grinding all over again, and any allure that had seems to be gone from what I can see.
  4. Joshhh


    nigga lined it up for 10 seconds just to miss the second shot
  5. the retards play on vpns to bypass network restrictions then wonder why they are lagging playing on 300 ping...
  6. you've posted a 10 minute video of you getting clowned by retards? Am I missing something
  7. Make sure to keep that backdoor closed bud!
  8. But that abuse is still occuring? people just use cop not bh, so this point doesn't really make sense
  9. youre still not getting cpl retard
  10. So your suggestion to fix smoke exploiting is to remove the fix that was added for smoke exploiting?
  11. They definitely had been banning for this before, I guess now w jays statement it will be abused till a rule change is made
  12. Was it a new admin? I've never seen an admin have an issue with it unless its in combat, but honestly the admins all have different versions of the rules so its impossible to know what will and wont get you banned
  13. Or they can play as civ? Just seems like an excuse for free loadouts
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