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Everything posted by CoryB

  1. Can we get a patch to fix this lag when it comes near restart. Happens server wide. @bamf @Gnashes Don't really know what the issue is but its happened the last two days. You guys probably already know about it but if not here it is.
  2. Hes CHEATING hahahah. I'm dead. Poor Bada
  3. @Sugarfoot The watches are clean as fuck. Its all really what you like. The two you showed me I would of bought if I had the cash.
  4. https://www.mvmtwatches.com/collections/all-mens-watches?utm_content=not_purchased&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgMnYBRDRARIsANC2dfnFcUFL1RKmF8p8PPh-NUDrr2F4IJKb_NPqKSQQ8BNN_DFCrS5HSOAaApnYEALw_wcB Have had one of these watches for like 2 years now and honestly wear it with everything. Probably one of the nicest watches Ive had.
  5. https://clips.twitch.tv/SavageSucculentYamPeoplesChamp @Steve
  6. Here's something I made awhile back to show Mitch. Don't know if it got anywhere and there are somethings that are already said on here but i'm lazy and not editing it. This shows the different tiers we would have. Something along the line of what bounty hunter has. Named it Infamy. Don't know how you guys would feel about it. Open to anything. But here's what me and a couple people in Requiem made. Hopefully maybe the war rating can be turned into honor or something. My brain hurts.
  7. Oh no not the dirty pussy. SHIT MAN
  8. CoryB

    Sea of thieves

    @Buck I found you running from the crew.
  9. CoryB

    Sea of thieves

    yeah public has the brain of a fucking squid so you should be fine. He seems to like water a lot and falls off the ship maybe 87 times a hour.
  10. CoryB

    Sea of thieves

    @Dick Romney If we got a spot open Ill hit you up. But honestly if you watch streams before hand and learn a bit from it. Its honestly a really easy game.
  11. CoryB

    Sea of thieves

    Here if you stop posting on the forums like Maric in 2017 ill help you out buddy.
  12. CoryB

    Sea of thieves

    if your anywhere as good as you were on Destiny 2 this should be fairly easy.
  13. CoryB

    Sea of thieves

    We've lost 1 galleon in 4 days of continuous war. Our skills out match anything you could bring.
  14. Nice Job Robin of The Hood
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