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Mitch (IFRIT)

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Everything posted by Mitch (IFRIT)

  1. He didn't even learn the Russian words and he's being accepted?! Putin will be upset comrade
  2. Shipwrecks spawning gold bars, requiring a sub to carry them and a blasting charge to open, notifies apd who will respond. Would promote underwater combat and would work like a new bank/fed
  3. Asylum2017- providing the birds and bee's talk for you and your family. @bigjohn561
  4. Nvm, you're not an officer. You can't see the link I posted.
  5. Thought about it after I posted that. The outcry and potential shit show that I saw coming from that was more than I wanted to deal with on someone else's post. Please disregard
  6. Just a heads up, no way to turn off emergency lights on the jeep.
  7. See the problem is this, in my opinion. The original prison on Atlis was great for rebels, but not at all for cops. It was a quick peak battle all the time. The new prison is set do that rebels need to defend more than one spot and cannot just quick peak everyone. Its set up for a more advanced game play and can be great. I know some people have trouble with their frames, but i am luckly not one to suffer from that. Though i could imagine that stuck at low FPS makes it uninviting. Some fine tuning could keep it fun,
  8. Stumbling around is half the fun! Just read the rules up, down, left and right aND you'll be all set. Years ago when I first started here I first went to Sofia and kept running to other cities not knowing how to get a car. Stay out of kavala if you can!
  9. It was like 12 years ago when I read this book. It's considered a juvenile fiction, but it was worth the read. It's called Zachs lie. This is a copy paste from a quick review about it. When Jack Osborne is befriended by his school's custodian and a Basque girl, he begins to adjust to his family's sudden move to Elko, Nevada, after entering the Witness Security Program, but the drug cartel against which his father will testify is determined to track them down.
  10. I sense a lock coming on.. that title had me for a second.
  11. I'm surprised you're not on mod que yet...
  12. I could use that desk for about 5 minutes. Good luck! That looks awesome.
  13. Reminds me of two people arguing over who rdmd who...
  14. Not that I support the idea at all. But if it were to be done. You could start with the base of a regular grenade and combine it with x crafting materials and process it into a flashbang. IE "cooking"
  15. Yeah I get that. But I rather hit escape and wait a minute for it to finally show up than to ride out a CL ban...
  16. If you're in a situation where logging out could get you in a bind. Run and hide in a corner and turn your sampling down to 50% and wait for it to bring your frames back. Once you are back to your normal range of frames, turn it back to 100% and see if it helped. Works for me 90% of the time. @xXx42oNoSc0pExXx
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