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王 rando 王

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Everything posted by 王 rando 王

  1. 2 mil? how tf are you gonna sell good houses anymore then. that’s a retard number I’ll give asylum this, it refuses to fucking die. I’ve seen the server pop lower than what it has been recently and somehow it always makes a comeback.
  2. pointless? you’d have a whole year to set all your stuff up. if you can’t do it in a year then that’s a you problem.
  3. solution, yearly wipe. everyone will get a crack at any and every house once a year.
  4. can yearly wipes be a thing finally. whenever your prior bans reset at the end of the year should be same time server wipes.
  5. people are retarded. hopefully it wont wear off on you
  6. i standby my statement 4 years ago. this shit boring
  7. it should be like seasons, have 1 season be a domination server, the next a strife server, then back to domination, and so on and so forth
  8. good job! i thought you were gonna keep kneepadding even after his fall, glad you see you switch sides!
  9. leave the bullying new players to the professionals like me, you should be helping them
  10. anything that hurts the cops gets my approval! +1
  11. he should have to redo his cadet week with 1 stipulation: his constable can only be halfdrunk
  12. I think so too, but whenever i kidnap players of a specific gang I get let’s talked and get told I’m “harassing” players
  13. i did the same thing to mr dh heats when he was governor and he made taxes 15% afterwards and told everyone to thank me.
  14. i wish a certain captain would reply to literally any of this and provide me with some more entertainment. wake up @bbgreg17
  15. @bbgreg17 halfdrunk was right, it was just a joke you're the joke.
  16. that is a lot of words. i think you may be a little upset. i hope you can understand how we may think that given all the many words. ❤️
  17. oh boy... i feel a lot of progress in anger management is about to be wasted.
  18. i like the suitcases. i can do lots of fun and exciting exploits with it
  19. you're right up there with hillary clinton after you lost this governor race.
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