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Everything posted by Crunchedd

  1. I would like to thank all the people who voted for me it means the world to me
  2. my ssd is so empty since uninstalling arma
  3. excuse me bih i thot i was ur bestie
  4. S4 montage yet you open with a s5 clip hellur
  5. god i hate being mod qued this shit is the reason
  6. idk y this isnt being passed by mod que yall trippin
  7. i was pretty quiet tbh i just got some silent revenge
  8. Your brain works so slow like turtles climbing uphill on slippery glass
  9. The sound of your voice Is like chalk scraping the board You should be silent
  10. Pretty sure that was you like 6 months ago also clearly no good gangs are fighting anymore
  11. i think this is kinda ded now lmao
  12. looks like absolute garbage tbh
  13. https://www.twitch.tv/crunchedd_
  14. definitely off topic there yung buck but you have 2 posts and 0 likes on this forums but youre shit talking me? also those two letters in your name give you a pass this time cuz i feel sorry for ur ass next time u wont be so lucky
  15. one day @Cory B @Innateocean @huskymatt
  16. hahaahahahahahah tell the world what i typed
  17. i have a chair ity you can fund Twitch.tv/crunchedd_
  18. Streamers alway cut the gayness out of ppls names the aint gonna call lazywater6699q19341293934 by his whole name r they
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