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Everything posted by halfdrunkhero

  1. Very close to weed and square. Taking offers.
  2. I think you are on the right track. How about we add 3 gang forts though. The 3rd one will only be accessible with go-karts though.
  3. Fine I will recommend it so it gets added. You two are welcome.
  4. I plan on applying for mod. I think my dedication and knowledge of the game will have a great impact on the community. #halfdrunk is the face of kavala. #president of kavala. #I will only use my jet with rockets on rdm'ers.
  5. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1584195266 this is the entire meeting.
  6. https://www.tiktok.com/@halfdrunkhero it's done with some content uploaded. Lets see if I can get the server to get some traction 🙂. Sandwich you are even in one of the videos lol.
  7. Sorry, didn't think you would figure it out like this.
  8. I was just messing with you, I am working on my tik tok as we speak. Lots of Asylum stuff.
  9. I might be way off what should be expected of players, but I think 5 houses = 10 hours playtime a month. 1 house 2 hours. However, for the people that have things come up in life (vacations, work, whatever) make it a 100k tax a month per house. Easy money sink for those not wanting to play (or unable) with tons of cash. Could be increased if seen fit.
  10. Honestly, 5 hours in, sure there were a lot of people on. But... It was almost back to the same shit just semi lower tier guns/vehicles. Kavala everything was blowing up and the houses that were popular were mostly already owned by the same people (besides ones sniped just to spite certain people). Athira had the same dudes that always ran it. Nothing about this feels like it will change a single thing. It will increase server pop for a month or two, then feels like the people that did grind for all this time to give up.
  11. Okay, I have a suggestion for this weekend then. If the server does full wipe, all the money gained from this weekend should be given to the player after 1 full week of the real full wipe. That gives people a whole week to not fall behind and gives players a reason to play this mock wipe.
  12. This is why I like playing cop late at night to try to actually have the chance to interact with people and find random rp events instead of, bank, bank, bank, fed. It rushes the interactions I get to have and is unfair to most people when I have to try to process quickly. A and C I def support.
  13. This. It's like an extended domination with no real rewards. I say go all in or don't do it at all. I know I wouldn't play that weekend at all.
  14. Blake, come on I know you have a real comment 🙂
  15. I told you once before. this server is considered my family. All of Asylum has been my family until I joined the APD. I won't let someone who plays once a month to kill my fellow officers in cold blood. No matter their relationship or status. I also will not allow someone to disrespect them ether. Billy, we will always be brothers since that one night together. And you have motivated me to always improve and help people. That's why I am here. To make things ever better. I will not stop.
  16. Watch the two videos. The 2nd one posted is pretty important.
  17. Got told it was okay to post, Posted 11 hours ago +2 Points Paintballing Don't do it again or it will be even more points.
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