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General Baked Potatoes

APD Officer
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Everything posted by General Baked Potatoes

  1. ^ @APEX You should verify the APD Guidebook with your friend. Specifically the section that explains what gives you probable cause.
  2. You guys have downs ... As an officer of the apd you should know since he saw both of you jumping in the car with those 7.62's and followed you until you stopped he would have the right to search the truck. Those cops were just really nice thats all it is
  3. APD hands up or i will end your existence! Asylum is a very VERY light Rp server. The only rp you get is from cops soo. Wrong server bud.
  4. i'm not even in FSA, that fight was like a 3 weeks ago ... took you that long ?
  5. are you trying to meme an old gang i was in "KSG, Korean Street Gang" xD
  6. Autism speaks ... all i have to say.
  7. Yes those are normal steps to updating mods. I'm guessing it wasn't very popular. It also depends on the servers popularity based on the content within the server. If the mods were crap it wont have much attention
  8. Altis life is one of the Few game "mods" that have servers who do not use mods. Theres some that do, but its mostly ones like Exile, Epoch ect...
  9. it wouldn't be as OP as Officers with Coveralls and Tac Vest. it could be any armor i could re-texture, its just that the Tac vest is ugly asf and for people who don't have Coveralls we are stuck with less armor than others, the difference is barely noticeable though in terms of Armor. i think you might be confused with what i'm saying. When you join a server if you do not have the mods it warns you and then you can download them automatically IF you have a Custom launcher like A3 Launcher. Yes mission files are not Mods lol Unfortunatly since Bohemia has mild Autism, some items cannot be re-textured unless you pluggin modded items. The base Vanilla game makes it very bland after a while, i would suggest Closing 2 Servers and opening 1 With a bunch of Mods to spice it up for the community.
  10. To retexture vehicles and uniforms, you use the setobjecttexture command,Vests and headgear don't support that that i know of. so you can't use textures on them. They have to be config'ed as a separate item, which, as you know, requires a mod. When you join a server and you're new it automatically downloads the mod for you i don't see whats the problem with having a few low usage mods ... config.cpp. In the INIT line of the object you want re-textured, place this for uniforms and vehicles setObjectTexture [0, "\pboname\texture.paa"];
  11. Hey guys, so i'm simply making this Topic for peoples opinion. i feel like some of the police gear looks a bit ... bad. but i also feel like not only a retexture but new police vests for Constable+ would be good so Officers could have a more decent (Better armor aswell) to wear for looks and against those pesky pistol bangers. Theres also a re-texture for some Dank Swat Gear for bank feds ect ... Swat Gear: Police Tactial Vest/ Chest Rigs, For Constable+: Something Along those lines- i was thinking the Plate armor/Chest rigs could be either added in the MX Skill tree or a seperate one like the Tactical Vest. make it a bit more expensive for Constables and cheaper for Higher ups to purchase. Again this is simply a suggestion that i would personally love to see but everyone has different opinions and it would be nice to hear them. @bamf @Gnashes @BlackShot @Flameless @KrazyKnight @Sandwich @Clint Beastwood @DarkKnight @Gen. Henry Arnold @ColtonB205 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32549
  12. All of what you suggested is terrible and autistic. No offence, but terrible idea. Bh's abuse their license enough as it is they're just going to flashbang everyone and siren everyone to be abnoxious as possible. Theres also the fact that if bh's have access to sirens it'll be harder to know which is cop/bh for civilians. Bounty hunters have it harder because its pure profit. Policeman still have to roleplay and ticket accordingly.
  13. Thanks bb but we all know you're the Roblox God tier mega smasher
  14. I'm General Baked Potato i have a Certification in Autism Awareness and i sexually identify as a Carnivorous Vegetable.
  16. 3 & 4, Comp the buy price of the house + 100K for Crates. People keep saying Cops would get mad on those precinct if they lost their Role in the APD but ive been on everyday for the past month and those precinct almost have no cops more than half the day it doesn't have any cops especially higher ups. Just make the inactive ones retire and divide sgt+ roles.
  17. I agree, that feature about putting illegal vehicles into your garage instead of chopping it would be great you guys should also close 2 or at least 1 server cuz all people do is run drugs with no cops on a dead server. @Gnashes
  18. I'm a loaded backed potato and proud of it!!!
  19. Says the guy who links Pornhub links on Ts I can confirm Brittany's are mentally unstable lol
  20. Hey man, it was my car but all worth it. @Gnashes had 36 counts of Rape and had to be stopped
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