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Everything posted by vedalkenn

  1. too soon, wait its never to soon
  2. No what's perfect is when he gets angrier then me in TS, or High Buck saying he loves everyone
  3. Found out I'm nuts at the game because I can shoot people in the back
  4. fuck you dope dealer and you do is claim to be a big nigga eatin good on snap
  5. yikes it just seems a few career cops are upset they get smacked by big gangs
  6. just got off it besides no playstyle is the best playstyle I'm unpredictable coon
  7. nigga im permed no that would fucking blow wouldn't copy you in anyway otherwise my playstyle would be even more shit than it already is
  8. seen a lot about this game is it any good?
  9. Is Jon Snow Niao Hing this time? also gl #freeved & niaohing
  10. I think that Oblivion clip, in the end is where I was high off my ass and ran through cap then got blamed for getting everyone killed besides that +1 nice tage supposed Terror LT @Energy you got smacked mongoloid UNMODQUEUE ME SO I DONT HAVE EDIT THINGS TO BE TOXIC
  11. it was literally covered for a whiff on the guy that's the reasoning behind the blacking it out, if he was using pulldowns why wouldn't he black out the entire fucking parts of the montage where he's shooting people
  12. vedalkenn

    it is time

    o7 man never really knew you but I heard you were a pretty good guy, best of luck
  13. yikes someone trying to accuse someone of pulldowns but probably has no clue how to even fucking use em
  14. rEaLiSm cause people would tank 700 shots and can lag switch in real life lets think about this one brendon
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