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AFD Paramedic
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Posts posted by Master27411

  1. 1 hour ago, pr0digyt said:

    All I know is an unnamed LT was literally *yelling* at me for not lethalling at a fed,  watching the kill chat for my downings. I had gotten the gates opened and was downing 2+ guys each life I had and was successfully restraining them. They did *eventually* lockpick out because the rest of the force was horribly, horribly uncoordinated but it legitimately shook me that shit has gotten so bad that the LTs can’t be trusted to be the voice of reason anymore. I expect it from constables but damn. We were WINNING, every gate was compromised, several were restrained, and they wanted to lethal.

    They are trying take out a couple of people till everything is under control. It doesn’t matter if you get a bunch of people restrained. One person can wipe out a ton of cops. 2 of us mowed down like 5 or 6 cops that had our boys in restraints and we got away. Plus you guys have to respawn; whereas, rebels have a good chance to get revives off once cops are wiped, so you can lose ground really quick

    Ryan2150 likes this
  2. On 11/16/2019 at 5:29 PM, NotMike said:

    Hey Im down for that too.

    maybe you shouldn't shoot from benches of a hummingbird and you won't get lethaled. Just because you can't hit one shot doesn't mean we should be nerfed because of it

    1 hour ago, bbgreg17 said:

    I personally support the idea of lethals not clearing bounties and cops not getting paid. This is however, the long term solution. I do have a short term one.

    If officers and abusing lethals file a report here. Please continue to read prior to complaining that all reports are no action taken. If officers are lethaling as soon as they get on scene you need to show that is what happened. Show video prior to cops arriving on scene and the first thing they do is lethal someone. While there could be a valid reason (you just went from a bank to a prison and they know how many of you there are) this is what we need to see to understand what is going on. Simply telling us "they lethaled two people, you can see it in chat" is not enough evidence. For all I know those people were in unreachable locations.

    This evidence requirement is not meant as a slight against the reporter. In fact the requirement is the same for all members of the community regardless of their status with the exception of senior APD staff. Even then we need to have video for certain violations. For minor infractions of the guidebook the higher up witnessed without video, they are required to write a detailed account of what happened.

    We understand there are people in the APD who do not follow the guidebook, but we need sufficient evidence of these situations issue disciplinary action.

    tbh everyone on the server these days has lots of money, so we don't care about the payout. Most of these kids post on the forums after getting shot once because they shoot from heli benches and expect to be downed

  3. 11 hours ago, pr0digyt said:

    Remind me what I've done in the game to be toxic. I don't sui-vest, I don't bounty hunt, I don't camp, I don't kill people indiscriminately and am generally friendly, I don't rat, I don't pussy out of fights, I generally stay out of side, I actually RP (shocker), I ecnourage fair fights... I could continue to list but my point should be made. You can accuse me of being in a niche, but you can't accuse me of being toxic.

    Remind me additionally where I suggested a rule change that you seem intent on harping upon. There is more than one way to discourage bad gameplay; to think otherwise is to lack creativity.

    Is there a day when you don’t complain constantly 

    Masonn likes this
  4. 30 minutes ago, Revenant said:

    1. BH had 1 good gun that cops had and a loadout for bh is like 4x as expensive. And if a cop has csats they have better armor than anyone with a lvl 2 vest rather than lvl 1

    2. Every good BH wants the minimum bounty raised so we dont have to crawl into kav for a 5k bounty

    My load out on cop is like 9 or 10k, and if I have a couple flash bangs and smokes it can run up to like 15k. Pretty sure BH was about the same. It all depends on the loadout someone is using

    kny likes this
  5. 5 hours ago, mcohen27 said:

    When discussing positive changes we can do with Asylum I think a focal point or at least a consideration should be towards the prison system. I think dividing this into sections is the best approach, because some may not be possible or not needed.  This is all my opinion, and I think a positive discourse with this matter is warranted because everyone who has played Asylum for any good length of time has encountered or has been annoyed at how the prison system is designed. Change #1, reduce prison sentencing. I, for the life of me, do not understand who thought a 44min prison sentence was a great idea to help build immersion. Waiting over 40 minutes to just play the game is an idiotic and callous design choice and brings nothing but frustration and people who will just AFK for the duration and not engaged in the world. I understand the expression "if you cant do the time dont do the crime," but this is not real life, this is a video game that people may only have a certain amount of time to actually play and since there is literally nothing to do but stand or runaway the prison I think a massive reduction is needed. Change #2, bring parole back. If prison reduction is not an option I think the parole system was a great idea to keep players playing the game and was a really cool feature that provided a "realistic" and immersive atmosphere. Assuming the parole system was not taken out for technical reason, I think this is a great design to stop players waiting inside an empty prison for 40 minutes. Change #3, change the spawn point where you are released from prison. I believe this might be the most contentious position so bare with me. The prison can be an active firefight, when a released prisoner is running around, in a red-zone, he might as well have a huge target on his head that says kill me please. Maybe spawn the player closer to the garage, or even spawn the player at a major city to alleviate them getting blasted the second they leave prison when they just waited 40 minutes. Change #4, fix laser tag and/or add more engaging content within the prison. I know, no one plays laser tag. BUT when you are in prison with nothing better to do it can be engaging content that helps pass time. Change #5, if a crime is over 50k trial by jury should be mandatory, this one is for more immersive purposes and would be a neat feature, but the cop/bounty hunter, if they send them to jail, should get the money; however, once in jail trial by jury should always be an option. I am not 100% aware of how the trial by jury system works, it seems to be a lottery system where some players get it and others dont, which is a dumb design and should be based off of crimes committed. Change #5 1/2, I think a really cool design feature, that I know will annoy the piss out of cops but is realistic, is to force cops to attend the trial by jury proceedings and defend his reasoning's as to why the convict was sentenced to jail. This could possibly reduce the cop just sending people straight to jail, but I know that this most definitely a far-fetched idea that will never be implemented I just personally think it would be really interesting.

    I know the Asylum staff is better at this than they are showing us, from my knowledge they are going to change the press plates to reduce prison time and not reduce the amount of money your bail will be, my only rebuttal to this is just reduce the prison time overall than...Some of the proposed changes might be out of reach, but above all prison time should be reduced across the board, and parole should be introduced back into the game. I hope you enjoyed reading this long rant about how much I hate the Asylum prison system. I have literally stopped playing the game for days after being sentenced to prison for 30 or more minutes. Again, this is all my opinion, go ahead and discuss and attack my arguments which I hope will at least bring a net positive to the game.     

    You should write a book

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