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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Ghost0fDawn

  1. Being downed, restrained, and imprisoned by all three factions, All the time for any reason? Great Idea! Smart mouth a cop: Get arrested for "harassment" Do any crime: silently taken by Bounty Hunter. Do nothing: Still get imprisoned by rebel at any time for no reason.
  2. it's really not though. That's not how it works. Arma is CPU intensive. Better per-core performance goes a long way. That doesn't however make GPUs unimportant, just not the kingpin. If you want the most immediate in-game effect, reduce the object/view distance. That is #1 the biggest factor client side. Ultimately, Arma 3 is a poorly optimized 32bit app that gets bottlenecked to hell. There is no winning.
  3. Honestly, that's not been my experience at all. I've been around asylum couple years now and as of more recent you really do get nothing from cops. Most recently a cadet whom was captive by some guys I was with at the time was bantering back and forth about server rules and RDM -- blah blah. I got the two parties to grow up and find a middle ground and began discussing. He refused anything more than his hat, and after agreeing to escort him off the building and return him to the cops, I was immediately lethaled, cadet included - by the APD in a situation there should not had been lethals. Prior to that a constable I kidnapped played the "in 10 minutes i'm logging" card. and basically told me to suck it. Prior again and AS a captive officer the cops present at the time just told me and encouraged me to just log since it'd been more than 10 minutes. After I told them I wouldn't do that my captors did a PB, where the cops showed up, offered to kill me, ignoring my request not to and lethaled me, then promptly backed out of the PB. That's the unwritten APD kidnapping policy in a nutshell.
  4. Bring back 50% fog or riot! Being unable to see is a godsend to those who use the environment to all advantage, not a hindrance!
  5. The issue is: Cops often aren't present at many HQs >> Leads to wanted criminals getting off free with their gear that is supposed to be taken on arrest. APD Treating someone as "turned themselves in" contradicts itself, they clearly didn't. BHs could restrain their friends and leave them at HQ for reduced ticket. BHs are their own "faction" much like rebels. HQs are for cops, that's why BH arrests were moved to courthouses long ago. // Cops can still role Warrant officer, Undercover, and have very capable medics. Also Remove BH weapons/licenses for abuse, see a full criminal list despite not having full tracking of all BHs, and have instant access to teamwork at almost all times. Start working together and the APD is plenty capable.
  6. yes now I can bounty boost AND have my friend go scott free when I metagame no cops online or camp HQ spawn
  7. At rebel outpost the other day on Tanoa I single handedly killed around 10 or more velocity as they respawned at their turf and came back 30 seconds later. Using an AK12, I fended off several people for a considerable time. Had I a pistol? Not a chance. You don't need CSAT fatigues to be good, you need skill. Also, CSAT Pilot Coveralls have more armor than CSAT fatigues, and the new special purpose suits have even more armor than that. I've been shot plenty of times, sometimes several with pistols and not died or taken too much damage, my vests are working so I don't see the problem?
  8. It's a DEV bug, Bohemia side. Nothing Asylum can do. A fix is to back out to the main menu and change your difficulty settings, accept, and come back in. it's a hit or miss, but it works.
  9. So far I have noticed my crates are completely stuck in time with a 100% rate. Any gear taken/added either comes back or gets removed respectively on the next reset. The same applies to Y inventory. I'm rendered unable to age any new rum or really store up mats for crafting due to this.
  10. wait how can I do alcohol if my crates aren't saving new inventory? they are stuck in time
  11. gotta give credit where due. mouse drawing aint easy
  12. The new face changing system breaks the ability to use the "Miller" and "Stavrou" faces using the edited profile config. This is unacceptable.
  13. except they are basically pilot coveralls.
  14. No it isn't. It has two auto firing modes, and one of them is very high.
  15. UGH, AK's 7.62 is NOT 7.62 NATO, and are certainly not DMRs. Sheesh.
  16. Cops can down in 1 shot because any firearm will 1 tap a headshot.. Don't think that rebels are the only ones who know how to aim.
  17. It boggles my mind how so many vet rebels claim to be top tier and good, but you give some of them any hurdle and they cry. "6.5 can't 1-tap" / "I can't see more than 300m at night/or fog..." Personally I loved the fog on Tanoa last night. Gave it a real misty morning in the jungle feel. I could almost here the natives rustling in the sugarcane about to snatch me up. It provides a variety of themes, hurdles and challenges. I hope we see more fog and weather in general. and 6.5mm is plenty capable if you fill its role well and can shoot.
  18. Personally I think a standing problem with BH roleplay (Lack, thereof) is that they really can't. You can arrest someone, or let them go. Letting them go gets you nothing and throwing a 2-3K ticket in jail can be douche. I'd say allow Bounty Hunters to basically "forward" a FULL ticket from the government to their bounty, but in turn receive a reduced pay as a tax cut. This would allow BHs that would rather arrest small-time criminals just to get a new bounty on the list to not have to drag someone out of their experience over a simple trivial crime (also allowing the detainee to keep their weapons/licenses. It could also encourage more RP for bounty hunters, having non-HVTs try to convince the bounty hunter why not to book them for full price, and the bounty hunter can banter back with that. TL;DR I'm tired of dragging Small Value Targets to the courthouse because it ruins their experience.
  19. Like it but needs work. Like instead how khaliq said the job starter has to use his own money to start it but gets a bonus payout. Then reduce the rebel-sell price of the parcel to match what what originally spent by the job starter. This would void friends/gangs from abusing the job as they could only complete the DP run for more money, but non-affiliates can still take the goods and profit. Overall I like the Idea, and think it would be cool if it did this with a GPS map marker that updates every 30 seconds and notified players of an armored delivery taking place (to the similarity cops get for PB/Bank). It could be a very good "High stakes" legal job that involves action we are currently lacking.
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