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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by WolfLeader

  1. The new people need to make money, and the old players need things to spend money on. Increase price of all rebel stuff and then people would probably start crafting everything more than buying it.
  2. That's a much better idea. Infamy gives you the sell boost, and cops give you the gathering boost
  3. When I first joined the APD, people always did drugs. Now people only do drugs mainly when there are no cops on, or when there are no people online. There should be an increase in sale price for drugs based on how many cops are on, but obviously cap out when there are a certain number of cops. It could be based on ranges such as 5-10 cops = 10% increase of sale price, 10-15 = 20% and so on. Those numbers are examples, but it could help people fight more and make more. More drugs, more money for cartels, more people fighting for cartels, possibility of better gang life? Everything said is theoretical, but it is worth the idea.
  4. WolfLeader


    Come over to 1, we won't bite
  5. Constable: *Not gonna worry about the illegal weapon or the wanted guy, I wanna drive the van* Cadet: *This guy is wanted, why is my constable wanting to drive a news van* This is the APD can you put your hands up
  6. For now we have been defeated by the animals of S2 https://gyazo.com/ef33bf1a3e2a36bbd3c5646db7c8751b
  7. Why don't we have more craftables like electronics and such where you take silicon glass and gold and make that into computers or phones. We could even have something like uranium where you need hazmat suit and you can either make it into 238 or 235, 235 is illegal and sell to terrorist and 238 you sell to power plant and its legal. Theres many things that could be done, question is will it be done.
  8. RVs emitting smoke become KOS in the immediate area. So if you setup an RV, people can come up and shoot you without saying anything if your next to it. https://gyazo.com/ff93dbab7770794dba39ff7c4f174af0 https://gyazo.com/c51848739b90f5c65f9e0ef3d2d6dde1
  9. Gonna miss having you around! Only got to know you a little bit, still can't get over you as that cadet!
  10. *civ standing next to gate with hand on level, medic looking cautiously at honorable officer waiting to know when its safe to go* Metal- "go on go on your good, go go go go go go" *medic pulls forwards hoping to make it out alive* *medic realizes his worst fears as civilian drops the lever watching as the gate falls through his windshield as God takes revenge on cop for harming the medic with an explosion* God- "this is good"
  11. Im gonna miss you bud, it was fun rping with you and having you around. Should totally give everyone the list
  12. Being a cop is fun when people role-play, or when you have friends you can goof off with on civ.
  13. https://www.battlemetrics.com/players You have to put the name you use in game to check and see. Its usually 3 days behind, and isn't the most accurate, but it works. If there is a space in your name you have to use a _ instead. Ex. James_McCoy
  14. Kavala is a place where that tends to happen a lot. Go other places like athira and pyrgos for generally less people/bad peoples. Not everyone is like that, asylum still has good people who will role-play with you. If you ever wanna have a role-play encounter, just have a bounty and turn yourself into the cops. Most officers role-play, some however do not, but if they don't then just ask for a higher up. If you need help getting started with anything or if you have any questions you can pm me. Same goes to anyone that needs anything. You will always encounter your trolls, and just tell people your new. I've seen some nice people who give new people stuff and help them out. Just like Mayhem said, if you comply and they shoot you then its RDM. You can report RDM if you have 5 minutes prior to them shooting you, and they shoot you after you've complied or if they shoot without saying anything. Initiation lasts 5 minutes as well (ex. telling someone put their hands up or die).
  15. XD as soon as I seen it I yelled "50!!!!" and ran with a guy I was talking to behind cover
  16. imma stay until the end of aslyum or arma 4, which ever happens first. Bout to move and gonna have 1GB up and down
  17. WolfLeader

    it is time

    Will be here until the end, see you around one day. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. Take Care! <3
  18. I like it, pretty chill... could be in stellaris probably
  19. I never had a forum account until February 20th, I played on the server years ago and took break, started playing again at the end of last year.
  20. I will remake asylum except have the issues fixed if it means I can actually work on it and help save it. I refuse to say asylum is dying until I am the last person or the servers shut down.
  21. Almost got to ya, then it went downhill from there
  22. Having better things unlocked at higher ranks gives you reason to be your best and work your way up. Orcas are expensive anyway, people like to shoot you out. I still like hummingbirds, just wish they didn't cost so much to pull.
  23. WolfLeader


    Until I move, I'm stuck at a house in the middle of nowhere. All I have right now is a hot spot in my window as my internet and source of phone reception. I cannot get anything better from what I find, unless dial-up is still around, then maybe that might be. After 10GB they throttle it to 280kbps at least. Does anyone know if there's any other solution that is viable when you live in the middle of nowhere?
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