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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Duffy49

  1. 10/10 banter, william is banned of flying...
  2. the guy with the hat asks "can i ask you something" the guy on the bike stops... then the guy with the hat says "get off the bike" like 10x... and he throws it into the water. and he says "and now fuck off"
  3. https://gyazo.com/24e13cb1d37e12d83ec7aac0db6e19f0 @John Lemmon when he uses nitro...
  4. and thats why you never fuck with a potato farmer and his potatoes...
  5. had good fights against you guys today, i hope for some more fights! thanks @HardyBxoxo for the rook!
  6. You are soo good at arma, pls sign my mousepad!
  7. Duffy49

    Cop Stuff

    got a black MXM and black MK1, msg me with an offer.
  8. AFTER ALL OF THIS?! </3 https://gyazo.com/1e05cddfb77264c3ec6baa66dfc89118
  9. i remember this shit on another server, 1st attempt was succesful, second one was "BOOOOMM!"
  10. I really want the Honda Fireblade, but the honda CBR's are also nice
  11. i really like the commentary after some of the kills. D:
  12. Thats why they say; Patience is key.
  13. goodluck boys! +1 for all of these guys, awesome people to play with!
  14. how to avoid another 83 seconds; by not watching this video!
  15. to be exact; 4 subway stations. and airfield in brussel.
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