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Everything posted by Haych

  1. Baby sitting and one and dones is the worse trend imo "We'll only push if you don't chop our Ifrits" "We'll let you gear if we defend" etc.... Or straight up refusing to fight for no actual reason. Obviously the fact that load-outs cost a lot now do have effect in some of this, but then again, people who play for 12 hours, then refuse to fight because they don't want to lose money should just quit the game tbh.
  2. @OLL13 @OLL13 2.0 is no longer a leader. Who is going to take in all the GTA refugees and teach them how to fight cartels? They won't last 2 days on the server with all the toxicity and laid back rules on their own.
  3. Time my crates where looking like this
  4. maybe we can have our paychecks now
  5. Paratus is scared of a paper thin Orca, what makes you think he'll add this?
  6. time to go on a 6 month break again @Jimbo
  7. Good ol Paratus, not being active, not giving permissions to others in the meantime.
  8. > Tanoa clip > Video starts with sitting in a bush > Instantly close it
  9. Or the Arial font intro "Montage 17 by Me" over black screen, then fades into a 2second cinematic.
  10. What you on about? Solo kills and trades on gangs we've never heard of over some dead music rendered in -6 bitrate with the their whole gang saying "+1, nice kills, youre a god" all over the comments stomps on a montage like this anyday.
  11. missing a cadet rolling in the open. you know
  12. dont make me upload that cadet clip of you
  13. Would be nice if MyAsylum actually showed more information. I've seen other servers that actually have every bit of account information easily accessible from 'My' page. Things like owned houses, items inside those houses, current load out, previous load out, whole garage, bank account, last destroyed/chopped vehicles, last few transactions etc.. Its quite nice.
  14. +1, has a island named after him. Fits perfectly into Elysium with all us washed fucks.
  15. the only dude that can hit constant 1.2km shots, welcome back boyyy
  16. @Gnashes @bamf Just move it back to the island with a slightly revamped design without telling Paratus, he doesn't play to notice, we promise we won't snitch.
  17. We still here waiting for more gang positions and a revamped gang level system. Wheres it at @Gnashes. Seen a server where you could even assign a rank called 'Friend' for people in the gang that are only friends.
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