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Everything posted by Ebola

  1. I think the bells sometime glitch out. Ive been in towns and the bells are going ape shit for an extended period of time.
  2. Bro im with you on this 100% shits so fucking annoying
  3. Ebola

    Scotch Buff

    Bumping it up to 1600/scotch is not that big of a jump. It would increase a batch of it (50) to 80k every 4 hours. Meth on the other hand as long as you have your ingredients/cocktail you can make and sell as much as you want.
  4. Ebola

    Scotch Buff

    125 would bring it to ~135k ish per 4 hours. thats no where near OP
  5. Ebola

    Scotch Buff

    As of now, every restart you gain a tier of Scotch x50. When it hits 25 year, it = 60k/per 4 hours. Due to the limited housing slots, I'd consider either increasing the sale price of scotch to $1600 or increase the amount of scotch processed per restart to 125/per restart cycle. This will also increase activity in this part of the map which definitely needs more attention imo.
  6. WIPE HYPE LFG ASYLUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. +1 insurance +1 Buff Drug Runners payout
  8. Whoever made the decision to move Nikolais without at first consulting with the player base should at least provide a valid reason as to why it was done. It was a unique fed event and could have used a couple improvements but there was nothing wrong with it. The gold bars couldve easily been substituted for blood diamonds or other expensive jewlery that way all you have to do is the run the boat to African and defend from the APD there. Putting 50 gold bars in a sinkable boat, with the APD spraying you down with Armed Ghosthawks was the issue.
  9. Ebola

    Enriched Uranium

    to be fair I only ping you with dev related shit rather than nonsense. Also hockey shit recently lol
  10. Ebola

    Enriched Uranium

    The green suit falls right into radiation exposure bro it fits so well with this whole activity
  11. Ebola

    Enriched Uranium

    It would fit perfectly and add some great RP to the whole task in itself. Though I see your point on the suit, A simple Forum Post or just putting it in the Wiki would be definitely clear up any possible confusion however you have better chances getting struck by lightning rather than a new player being confused about someone being an admin imo
  12. Ebola

    Enriched Uranium

    Brought it up during the meeting and not 1 negative thing was said, so I was just putting it in writing. Please dont derail this allow people to actually read it Yes that was my intention forgot to put that last part that its automatic straight to jail offense wearing it regardless if actively processing or not.
  13. A recent discovery made by Altis Excavators revealed a surplus of uranium within the island. The demand for uranium has risen over the past year due to recent conflicts with neighboring countries. A new method of enriching uranium for a more stable and volatile resource has been developed to satisfy demand: Gather your Hydrogen and Unprocessed Uranium Head over to the Nuclear Power Plant and Process your Uranium Head to the Uranium Enricher with both materials (Hydrogen and Uranium) to enrich your Uranium Sell it to the Wongs Dealer ($1,200 ea) or keep it to be used as a premium crafting material (Sui Vests, RPG Shells). Be careful, prolonged time inside of the Nuclear Power Plant is detrimental to your health and increased radiation exposure will result in you suffering from adverse side effects and cause your body to emit a green glow. A special suit has been designed to maintain the toxic levels of radiation. Obtain this suit by crafting 550 processed enriched uranium (Seasonal Quest). Once obtained, while processing wearing this special suit your enrichment speed will increase by 15%. However with the increased activity at the nuclear power plant, the APD has confidential informants in the area. If spotted enriching uranium there is a chance the APD can be alerted to your activites so stay vigilant. The APD also has a no-tolerance policy in effect for any enrichers that are caught enriching uranium whilst wearing a Green Enriching Suit. If you are caught wearing the Green Enriching Suit, you will be charged with Consipiracy to Fabricate Nuclear Materials ($25,000 Charge) and sent straight to jail. TL;DR Adding a secondary material (Hydrogen) to Uranium processing in exchange to create a more vaulable resource than can be sold for a higher price or used in premium crafting. Craft ~550 of the Enriched Uranium to unlock access to a purchaseable Green Entity Suit (Enriching Suit) to gain a small buff (10-15%) process time however run the risk of being sent straight to jail if caught by cops while wearing the suit regardless if you are using it process or not.
  14. Merely spangling someone who loses nothing and was not prevented from accomplishing said task should not be grounds for a ban unless its a continuos act
  15. Ebola

    Pre-Meeting Topics

    NEW PLAYER FRIENDLY INCOME METHODS. There's been a huge increase in money making methods however simplicity trumps all. Add "Black Tar Heroin" and "Golden Wax" as a double process option at the respective process locations. Both weed and heroin seem to attract the new player base. Having that double process option available to increase their drug run pay out would be crucial into them establishing themselves faster as opposed to trying harder methods which have a higher chance failing. My opinion make both Black Tar and Golden Wax sell from anywhere between 850-925 per. We will not be going back to the double process system, we have made great strides with numerous new money making methods that are good for new players LOL @ the entity suit reponse. Yall have in-game titles so at least the GREEN one should be available. As for this double process system. I did acknowledge the newer ways to get money but I dont think that is the right answer for the new people. I dont see how the double process on those 2 specific drugs would be an issue. They are on completely opposite sides of the map that would bring some activity to otherwise neglected areas. Make it poll and see what the community thinks. Or just flat out buff weed and heroin prices?
  16. I will be bringing these ideas up during the meeting but wanted to get more attention to it prior to. ArmA pop is not what it used to be obviously, so we're in the state of trying to preserve this server til at the very least ArmA 4 releases. There are some key issues that in my opinion of have not been properly addressed. I know the dev team is hard at work with what they're given but here is what I propose may help increase the server population: Run a Asylum Plus, Skin, Crate...etc promotion for a limited time and use those funds to get a streamer such as PsiSyn, FrankieOnPc, DevilDogGamer, to stream the server for a couple of hours during prime time. Nothing better than inspiring old arma players or new ones to jump in on the server. NEW PLAYER FRIENDLY INCOME METHODS. There's been a huge increase in money making methods however simplicity trumps all. Add "Black Tar Heroin" and "Golden Wax" as a double process option at the respective process locations. Both weed and heroin seem to attract the new player base. Having that double process option available to increase their drug run pay out would be crucial into them establishing themselves faster as opposed to trying harder methods which have a higher chance failing. My opinion make both Black Tar and Golden Wax sell from anywhere between 850-925 per. APD Vehicles should come with upgraded handling/brakes as opposed to adding it in as an upgrade. These vehicles are used daily in pushes/pursuits and should have better handling. Add Offline Offer ability to purchase desirable housing when the owner cannot be identified or contacted. Ability should allow a player to place an offer on a house with 2-5% offer fee to prevent possible trolling. Not sure if possible but the make sawed off shotgun a secondary firearm slot as opposed to primary so I can run around with a concealed sawed off. Add Entity (GLOW) Suits to prestige tiers. Look into a dispute system to mitigate influx of reports and allow players to sort it out amongst themselves to comp eachother with reasonable time as opposed to people endeavoring to get the other person banned.
  17. Right in the feels back when asylum was in its prime
  18. whats the difference kidnapping new players with a suppressed weapon vs non suppressed lol?
  19. DENIED ( L Suggestion)
  20. This and a store all button for vehicle/housing inventory
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