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Chris Peacock

APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Chris Peacock

  1. I think it’s dumb that I buy a shed for 7mil and get it taken by admins because of the location
  2. Sell rpg’s and rpk’s for blood money. Maybe even MXM’s or Zafir mags
  3. 100% man. Lets get someone elses opinion who doesnt play with admins 24/7
  4. take a look... u guys get admins to play against people who dont have admins.... admins spawn nades loadouts and have unlimited money giving HUGE cuts to the other players in their group. This then gives so much money to the regular players its not fun anymore.... u guys have done the exact thing ceo of fed did.... u make all the cops log off https://gyazo.com/943e7ca3c3717586850fef674a4a7d85 you would think this would force people into gang fights but it doesnt because gang life is dead and boring
  5. you dont get anything from fighting other gangs... its a waste of time and money. The fight every once in awhile is fun but there is no incentive. Increase blood money per kill and lets be honest... no gangs are active. Its admin's vs players at this point. IMO its literally a private server for u guys
  6. Yes let me use a sting against people with armor. If trg is legal so should spar... Antoine I could kidnap u with a po7 that’s the only reason u don’t want anything legalized
  7. @ColtonB205 yes but adding the illegal firearm charge is 2.5k its nothing.... the issue is when people try and bounty hunt they are doing so and a cop sees him with his MX and takes it which yes... they are required to do, but the issue is that people use the MX/Spar because when people have armor the 9mm and .45 dont do much and the TRG is pretty useless. IMO why not legalize the spar for bhunters if the TRG is already legal...
  8. @Jesse if u don’t plan to add more scopes can u make it easier to mass buy them? It’s a hassle buying 1 at a time and having to take it off your gun.
  9. @Jesse @Gen. Henry Arnold do u guys plan to add more scopes like the first lockup? there was only 4 ARCO's. If not can u please add something where u can buy scopes into your bag instead of only on your gun?
  10. I dont think converting into bars is a good idea due to the fact that people can only carry 1 at a time and you would have to go to rebel and u cannot store them in houses.... Same for uranium @Bilbo Baggins Nobody is going to process that much inside the actual evidence lockup tempest and u cannot store it in houses. there is just so much crap you would have to do for certain items and also I would make it possible to store uranium in houses because it is completely useless and nobody will actually go process it.
  11. Okay who wants to colab and do evidence lockers once a week
  12. ur an idiot. the server is not pay to win u can get the same armor just a different color without paying. explain 1 thing u can get while paying that isnt cosmetic?
  13. Also if donators get access to higher tier weapons that’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard.
  14. Bottom of the list at 0:21 not surprising. That’s probably why u think these clips are good
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