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  1. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by Six in Apology Video I Made for Admin (Leady)   
    Every like = one step closer to getting me unbanned before Wednesday so I can enjoy Altis Life with my friends during my vacation.
  2. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by Big Fred in Promote these officers please.   
    Locking it wouldn't have helped.
    All the fine citizens of Kavala spawn in with ten redgulls and a full set of lockpicks. It's like the first thing you unlock in the rat talent tree.
  3. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by Marzoh in Goodbye Asylum   
    I made one of these before like a year ago after getting permed thinking I wouldn't come back but eventually I did after getting unbanned. But this is my last one for sure as I'm not going to be playing this server anymore. I know some of you guys don't care for these but I don't really care.
    I started playing Arma late 2015 when I got my computer. After I got my computer only person I knew was @pLayToy from Xbox from the MW2 days. He bought Arma for us and we then played on Asylum. My very first gang I joined was Continental Army, I was a Kavala rat but then I met @Gravity which bought me my very first rebel gun. After Continental Army, @Tricks, @pLayToy, and I joined Retribution which was one my first cartel gangs with some good people like @Storm7, @King, and some others. After that gang I met some people like mike xdd which me and him played with Latin Kings. Then I applied for Bratva where I met the boys who I still talk to today, @ChicoXL, @JaeJae, @Keneith, and some others. Once that gang fell apart, we made our gang Valiant which led into Decimation where Lawless and us merged. After that gang I applied to join Prime which was in like Nov 2016. Thats where I met some people like @Tiger, @Addon, @troublesome, @Shepurd and some other cool people that I still play with today like @Drew, After Prime disbanded, I made my own gang, Stellar with @ChicoXL, @Squirtle, I met a lot of great people like @Dally, @TryHardSqueaker, @OperationSB, @Chungo, @Sk7 and @Chester GoldPenis, but after Stellar falling through the roof so many times I joined Temper. Then towards the end I met another good group of friends @Tyrese, @Dom, @Term, @Clockwerk, @BaDaBiNg_10-8, @Nino Brown and some other career cops. Throughout my whole time on Asylum, I always thought that Envy always hated me, but I feel like we became friends at one point even though we didn't talk at all. Only times would be in the Holding Cell or in my stream, @Sheep, @Azeh, @Anthony_, @Wang Liqin
    As of now, I see there is no future of Asylum and I hate to see that because this is where I first started. I want to see this go on for more but like most people say things come to an end,

    I wasn't trying to write a big life long story but just to write a history of my time with Asylum. I met a lot of chill people here, cant tag most but I give a big shout out to all the Prime boys, that was my very first good gang that gave me a chance. I remember I was going to get kicked with my 2 week trial week but my boy @troublesome came through having them extend my trial. Goodbye everyone <3
    I know I'm missing some people but bye!
  4. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by Big Fred in An Open Letter to Bamf   
    Asylum isn't dying, you just got the wrong numbers.

  5. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by massi in Asylum Hall Of Shame   
    how are you going to compare terry with all these folk? terry is in a league of his own in terms of sheer retardation
  6. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by justi in Chop Shop Towers   
    Spending time on the tower sniping people, shooting at anything that moves is honestly a lot of fun. It being a redzone combined with the perfect view of HQ 1.1-1.4Km out makes it perfect for camping long term. 
    If you're going to try this, I recommend using the tower closest to the water, the large barrel on top protects you from the other two towers, and if you lay flat no one can get to you without a heli or climbing up.
  7. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by Sail in cell phone hot keys?   
    Or you could just check your phone at the appropriate times? 
  8. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by Buck in R.I.P Stan Lee   
    The man was a Legend and may he rest in peace
  9. Jake liked a post in a topic by Starfox102 in The Community Suggestions!   
    may we pray for amra 4
  10. Tyler liked a post in a topic by Starfox102 in The Community Suggestions!   
    may we pray for amra 4
  11. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by Tyler in The Community Suggestions!   
    You do realize that at the end of the day Asylum is going to die not because the servers are bad or because money is too hard to make etc. It's because arma is an old and buggy game. I promise you there is very little the devs can do about revitalizing the server other than a few patches here and there and hope arma 4 comes out before Asylum is completely dead.
  12. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by HomeTrlx in :)   
    Ye boi I am pretty good I play dis shadow dude
  13. Nino Brown liked a post in a topic by Starfox102 in Happy Veterans Day!   
    thank you for your service
  14. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by SpooKs in Curb Your Guidebook   
  15. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by Gen. Henry Arnold in Gang Life Ideas v.3   
    What about firing an RPG giving you an explosive terrorism charge like a sui vest or speedbomb?
  16. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by bamf in Change log 8.2.1   
    Tonight I'm making a few changes (by popular demand):  
    Group cap is increased to a base level of 20.  Community goals can still increase this amount.   Infamy is now gained from war kills. Money cap has been increased at all levels:  1M, 2M, 3.5M, 11M, and none - up from 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 6M, none.   The meth lab will now always be on the east side of the map.   Server 3 will remain up provided there are 100 players online across all servers.  
  17. Starfox102 liked a post in a topic by TRYHARD in Gang Life Ideas v.3   
    Nerf/Remove RPG's. (They currently one shot armored vehicles such as ifrits so adding the damage handler back would prevent that). 
    There is absolutely no counter play to the current RPG situation. They cost around 20k and can blow up orcas on bank roof from far east (Around 500m away). They also one shot vehicles such as ifrits as they push the cap or hunters as they push the bank. The current RPG situation makes people not want to pull armor. I dont believe a simple price increase will be enough to deter their use and so I suggest adding the damage handler back or removing them entirely.
    Add "Civilian Representatives" that will be brought into dev meetings and discuss future changes.
    Obviously we have the Suggestions forum but our ideas can often times be overlooked or misconstrued. Type too much and people dont read it. Type too little and you cant get your point across. Giving the community a voice in the dev meetings will help ensure the changes are for the better. I will note that Mitch made a good effort when he was brought on as Community manager. He put on a VPN and went around to multiple gang team speaks to see what issues are of the biggest concern. I'd like to see more of that if another community manager is brought on.
    Make it so cops receive money for seizing vehicles based on the cost of the vehicle. (Seizing an ifrit should give the cops around 40k)
    I dont think this will be too controversial. If the cops manage to capture vehicles holding contraband they should receive payment when seizing the vehicle.
    Increase the minimum bounty able to get turned in by a bounty hunter to 10k (Please read my reasoning below before voting)
    Cops always complain (Myself included) that cop life is turning into more of a driving simulator. Lets give them something to do by forcing the bounty hunters out of the cities and after the bigger bounty's cops are unable to track or not skilled enough to take down.
    Add the ability to get infamy for crafting illegal vehicles/weapons at black market
    I'd say around 5 infamy per gun or 20 per vehicle would be a nice incentive to keep crafting items.
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