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Mike Stmria

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Mike Stmria

  1. Hello guys,

    As some of you already know, a 7.1 earthquake just stroke Mexico City. There is a specialized group of guys that help people that are trapped under structures called TOPOS (moles, you can find more info about them here www.topos.mx). They are not helped by the goberment as they are a NGO and right now they are in need of stuff (machinery and equipment) to help the victims that are still trapped after almost 10 hours in some buildings.

    If you can help they are taking donations through paypal with the following info:

    Dear international friends, Topos is a professional non-profit Mexican rescue team. More than ever they need our support. In Mexico: Banco: Santander Cuenta: 92-00070929-4 CLABE: 014180920007092942 Referencia: Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco, A.C. Anywhere else: Paypal: [email protected]


    In case you dont know what im talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/715t6d/building_collapses_in_mexico_city_during_todays/?ref=share&ref_source=link


    Your help could save a life today.

    Remember that one of your us dollar is about 18 mexican pesos that will help them afford a lot of stuff.



    Thanks for your help!


    note: Keep this a political.



  2. 3 hours ago, Flameless said:

    Why marshmallow, though?

    (So much for your undercover alias :D)


    3 hours ago, Mayhem said:

    Because he's soft . Oh burned. And an unintended marshmallow pun

    If they think I'm a girl, They will want to play with me :thinking:



    I love this thread.

  3. Hello, 


    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.


    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.

    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.



    Sergeant: Jaeger [NA]

    Available times: Monday - Friday 19:00 - 00:00 CST

    Prefered contact: Discord


    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule



    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.

    bum41, ItsLego, Midamaru and 7 others like this
  4. 3 hours ago, frantic said:

    Say I was shooting at some one in a differnt group, down him and have a firing squad lined up and have him killed. He shot us first, so his name is red. Then a random guy kills me because "a bullet his leg" even though it hit the empty car behind him causing our names to go red, would he be banned for RDM if reported.

    It's a hard call to make with out looking at the evidence a lot of issues can happen in this scenario, best you can do is report him and see what is the outcome.

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