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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Quattro

  1. Well if you play witch or wizard gs barely matters in node wars
  2. whats your gs? we're mostly trying to recruit 480 and above, but as long as your war attendance is good you can get by with lower gear
  3. Don't forget j9 is in too. What guild are you in Carson?
  4. Still waiting on cop jeeps/prowlers.
  5. It's all about the hair game with the dad bod. Make sure you got some chest hair. Until then just go for whats realistic and attainable for you.
  6. When the slinging feature first came out you could. Totally lost one to the rubber banding of a broken sling.
  7. People have totally slung hunters and striders with them. People used to be able to do it no problem. Just had to hope the sling wouldnt bug and send the Hemmit flying into you. Shame.
  8. They're called Mohawks.
  9. Yeaaaaaaaaaa! Even if its just the jeep, its better than rolling with an suv due to APEX terrain changes. Thank you for the update!
  10. Still waiting on a jeep/prowler for cop. It would be pretty dope.
  11. Still don't care about getting paid less. Still going to lethal motherfuckers. *Motherfuckers that I determine need to be lethaled.
  12. That was also a time when Dev's/CM's/Admins also played cop just as regularly as they played civ.
  13. I don't need money. Sucks for people who play cop for the money, but that's not the point of cop. I'm still gonna lethal the shit out of people when I need to.
  14. Yes at 13 seconds that was me with a parachute on my back.
  15. I may or may not have forgotten to pull my parachute.
  16. Still jealous that nobody goes out of their way to kill me.
  17. Wish I was cool enough to be on the list. Ill just stick to being lame.
  18. Myself, Revenge, and Dust all showed interest in the position. We also put in applications for the position when they were up. Everyone who applied supposedly received interviews (even some people that withdrew their applications due to sudden changes of heart received interviews and feedback) EXCEPT Myself, Revenge, and Dust. I was literally sitting in the Senior Chambers with other LT's, discussing their interviews and getting pulled up, but somehow I never got pulled. My application was well written, and I confirmed its reception with an admin later on. It was a completely serious application for the position, and I stated my beliefs on said application. Nothing that was written on my application warranted it being ignored. I shortly came to realize why my application had been so blatantly ignored. I got into a very heated argument with Hypanius about a punishment he was giving to a fellow senior staff member in regards to a grey area that had not been discussed beforehand. It was a grey area that should have been discussed among the senior staff, but "involving the lieutenants would be a horrible fucking idea." TLDR: I argued with the guy doing the interviews, and so they opted to skip over myself and the other LT's involved. Our applications and interest were ignored, and our fair chance at receiving even an interview and feedback denied.
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