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Everything posted by Kernikov

  1. RIP Mini, good memories on P3
  2. Kernikov

    Athira Redesign

    Is that more insane than the AFD firehall doors that already exist?
  3. Kernikov

    Athira Redesign

    This should be added as an upgrade the governor can choose to unlock during his term, cash sink + incentive to vote.... maybe adds a tiny chop shop while active?
  4. you been spending too much time with Shy again Ahmed?
  5. >magic whitelist faction that switches from cop to rebel depending on pop That's literally what Crimson already does Here's the whitelist application section btw:
  6. I don't understand what unwhitelisting the AFD medic faction has to do with new players being slaughtered in drug fields by experienced ones. Allowing brand new players into the faction (which permits 15 year olds, and used to allow people without mics or the ability to speak English) would make existing problems worse and create new ones. This should be implemented for the APD as well, allowing new players to be Athira security guards or mall cops with free tac vests and PDWs.
  7. Could add a seize counter per HQ and have this idea inserted as a pre-made admin event ready to roll whenever someone decides to hit a button and babysit it.
  8. There are quite a few officers who are tired of Federal Event spam and having their entire play session being a combat slog. I have personally stopped playing as a cop (giving up Lieutenant, retiring as a Sergeant) and started playing a medic because that is the only way I have been able to actually chat and roleplay with people for the last few months.
  9. If you never want to change, yeah it's not possible. If you change your attitude and behavior, then yeah it's possible. Have you ever heard of Copa? He went through puberty while playing Asylum and he was toxic as fuck.
  10. Kernikov

    berets on medic

    Is there anything you'd consider off limits for medics? Like granits, csats, pilot coveralls, etc. Also can we get the other colours of ear protectors besides black, and the range master belt.
  11. Well the SAs just gave you permission to shed them, stop crying about career cops who literally have 2000 hours on Asylum and can't quick peek or give cartel call outs.
  12. Kernikov

    berets on medic

    Berets are donor items
  13. Kernikov


    I'm pretty sure it can't.
  14. Yes, he plays under alts on civ and occasionally cop otherwise the terminal meat riders would glaze him so hard his meat would catch fire. He was vibing in Athira as recently as Sunday (4 days ago).
  15. THATS SO CRAZY now comments on the 'tage???
  16. It's strange to have a neutral faction sitting around like the Red Cross when it's labelled and identified in a way that you'd think it'd be a government service adjacent to the APD. Putting an unarmed medic with a group of police gives you one guaranteed person who can't shoot their way out of a roleplay situation, and perhaps cops may be willing to negotiate for their return.
  17. Getting bullied and hazed into reverting policy is a really poor example for "server leadership".
  18. APD undercover officers should have the city spawns (excluding Therisa... unless?) in addition to the APD HQs. An example would be "Athira HQ" and "Athira ", allowing you to choose whether you want to spawn in the HQ... or in a random field or house or garage just like a civilian, but instead with the same default UC loadout (carry-all, police vest, rifle). If killed, both could go on cooldown as normal.
  19. The coptage almost 9 years in the making https://streamable.com/ctenqu
  20. Issue: Medic population is low and often you are sitting alone. When there are multiple medics, medics will sit seperately due to different postings and preferring to interact with civilians instead of each other. Suggestion: Allow medics to tether to APD officers. Requires consent from the officers/higher up, abuse can result in APD and AFD points. Medic is to primarily treat/assist officers, can not aid rebels at events. AFD General Policy 1-2 (reviving in-front of murderer) stands, is not to revive rebels "for" cops. AFD IA to handle conduct. Possible lead to APD medic slots being reduced/reassigned to UC/warrant/other Issue: AEMT+ can only impound APD / civilian hunters. Suggestion: Allow medics to impound APD striders and ifrits as well Separate Suggestion: Allow medics to impound civilian striders and ifrits. (Separate because I feel this could result in push back due to destroying cop evidence, etc. Can work around with gameplay/policy?) Issue: The closest spawn for Donor/Therisa fires is Pyrgos, even if you pull a firetruck at Air HQ this is a long drive. Same with south rebel area. Suggestion: AFD Taru fuel variant for higher ranked firefighters, smaller/faster/slingable firetruck variant as well(?) Feature: Paramedic+ can 'stabilize'(buzzword of choice) a dead civilian, giving them an option to accept the revive OR receive a guaranteed hospital spawn (this will include their gear). Balance this with a limit per medic or giving the civ some kind of penalty (50k or some other large amount to cover their medical treatment?) Issue: Not enough incentive to wait for an AFD medic vs civ / APD medic Suggestion: increase penalty for untrained revive, chance of failure(halves timer, crit fail kills possibly if same faction?) lower max health, longer revive debuff, longer no stamina, etc.
  21. And yet each one of you is whitelisted as a medic, curious.
  22. APD officers should not be racing AFD medics to revive requests. Prior to the introduction of the Fire & Medic service, it was nice for honest civilians to maybe pick up a revive from a bored Corporal, but now it's poor game design. I could argue that the medic slots could be replaced or re-focused to leave more general First Aid to the actual medic faction, but the cops need guaranteed medic assistance. fuck you @Beifang Minglol https://streamable.com/jzhzoj
  23. There are only 3 or 4 custom channels that could be used for this, and they're already reserved for the in-game phone system.
  24. Very hard to digest all of that in one sitting, maybe break up your suggestions into more addressable individual segments or some better formatting and punctuation but to address a few of your points: I agree that housing is pretty overpriced for new players, and I personally would like to see the number of properties per player cut (maybe one house + one garage per, and then multiple gang houses?) but it's pretty hard to compensate people this late in the game's life cycle for multi million dollar homes. Splitting the player-base between multiple servers isn't something that's wanted and everyone would be happier on a server with 80 people (ranked between 8th and 20th Global Most Popular in the last 3 months) versus two with 40. The APD has recently shut down the training server for taking cops off of the main server (among other reasons) as well. >buffing gas station robberies Okay sure, but I'm not sure why you feel like you need new locations to set up and camp to shoot cops driving into you when that's what literally what all except maybe 3 events consist of. >new cartel spots Ok good, if you have any decent ones I'm sure they'd love to hear it. The contributors and designers are open to suggestions and do make changes and improvements, but it has to fit the design philosophy. You aren't going to see an Arms Dealer cap outside Sophia. "Leave server 1 how it is, and server 2 could be the more advanced server where ppl can't get away with the sht htey do on server 1." I don't know why you feel like we have to sort players by quality, and if any of the "shit people get away with" is against server rules then you should be reporting them. Weird also to believe that cheaters have some kind of respect and won't like, cheat near you. >improve the police force Ok let's hear it, pretty sure we all want to do that in some way. >should be more 'mature' not robo cop Robo copping is zero RP and giving you $0 deduction after a full explanation of every individual charge, not full ticketing you or being curt when you tried to murder them because you are "crazy" or that the drugs "weren't your's" >If they're unarmed you can simply get of your car and speak to them Easy enough to shoot cops as is and they don't know you're armed until you step out >much more heavy with the role play and not think bout the money. Except you I guess? >cops loadouts should cost more You bring one loadout to a fight you get to pick and choose, and they have to bring minimum two to every fight that they are forced to respond to. >work on teamwork/combat methods for entering areas. (not just slam and spray, die get a new loadout and come back) Every rebel can bring a LMG with 200 rnds, RPG and/or 7.62mm marksman rifle, while cadets don't even get a scope. Speed and numbers are the advantages the APD has, but if you think Cadet Carl should get a carrier light and MK1 to fight you fair I'm all here for it. >adding a 5-7 min solid NLR to give newer guys a chance and make it more realistic/roleplay Cops get two lives per illegal field unless there are less than 5, in what world do you live where more cops don't show up when one is shot and killed? >make a room in the HQ a green zone lol >bring back the fridge Actually a good suggestion, I'm here for listening to people getting roached at rebel while running money. >revamp to the talent points/infamy because right now infamy is way to expensive for how dead the server is Okay so split the pop between servers but buff infamy gain because the server is dead. You're delusional if you think we will gain a consistent 30 new/returning players with a magic second server. If you're getting robbed, run with a gang or friends. If you're getting "robo cop"'ed, report it so we can remove them.
  25. There's a custom chat channel limit, I believe 3?
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