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Posts posted by RVaders

  1. 17 hours ago, Robert said:

    Uranium should have been there, away from everything.  Not sure why the area is empty, it could be pretty useful but not a 100th rebel outpost.


    On 4/27/2020 at 8:25 PM, John Adams said:

    So me and my crew have been doing realistate in S1 Recently and realized all the houses at dp4 either all for sale or at base price. This picture should help spice thing up in a future update to the server

    (The Dump Area) The Dump would be a zone you can sell any/All mats/weapons/items but for 3qrtrs of the price. for people who don't wanna go to all the shops to sell their vary of goods.
    Another Town Spawn zone would be nice to open up activity in the top left part of map.
    An HQ At the Castle would be perfect for cop spawns.
    And an Ehpedra Spot Would help get rid of the Gang Campers who kill anyone who enters Ehpedra 24/7. I've never seen so much camping on Ephedra in my lifehttps://imgur.com/a/nhtWjj2

    +1 on both I like these ideas lets spread out

  2. 4 hours ago, Snowdon said:

    Yes but thats you, you have to think a lot of medics have to use offroads which take a while

    Offroads are the fastest vehicles we have, dont forget they'll go through anything too, where suv's break and tempests and vans have a slow ass top speed, the offroad just keeps on goin, and is capable of 200+ km/h

    Also sure there is the M900 helicopter we can use, but going from city center to the hospital to get it usually takes more time then the player we're responding to wants to wait before respawning, which is why they aren't used so much.

    And to add to this I also try to repsond to anything I can, I've got some guy up who was 6km from kavala where I was, using the offroad! Using any other vehicle I'd have been too late for him.

    6 hours ago, Black_Jesus said:

    Usually the medics wont come if ur more than 3km no matter the bleedout timer. 

    Dan. and Pin Goo like this
  3. 1 hour ago, Black_Jesus said:

    No its when scumbag cops set up in fed before the civs even get there and now they can search us while we setup without the robbery starting

    you know u is 1 of em right?, constable?

  4. Hypanius, allthough i like the original idea it seems everyone just loves their bank account too much to accept it.

    If you really want to put away with all the criminal scum,

    have cop/civ life be one,

    have a real application form,

    manditory training (pretty sure there are enough sgt's in just about every timezone, if not, you might really want to go get them)

    Real loadout (were up against 7.62 and the advantage of an ambush, ghillisuits and plate carriers, actually trained and coordinated infantery, sometimes even MRAPS and .50's)(we have numbers of stupid and impatient without experience or sufficient armour. Sure we are police, but we have the tasks of a militairy (almost))

    Steve likes this
  5. 4 minutes ago, Rodrigo said:

    Atleast you tried, but ofc it wont work with 4 people on top of the roof. The cops should have tried to lethal one or two of the guys on the roof. And then landed the heli on top of the bank same as the strider rushed in to the building. It all comes down to the right timing, good pilot, good shooters helping out at the bank.

    Thats the problem, just about half if not more of all cops are half retarted, have no patience and lack skill in shooting

    Rodrigo likes this
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