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Reformed epTic

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Everything posted by Reformed epTic

  1. i mean you don't get revived when you're domed by a 7.62 either
  2. feelsbadman not getting an interview
  3. btw i'm comptia certified when do i get a dev tag
  4. Take 30 meth then get like a 500% speed boost for 20 seconds but you die at the end and need narcaned
  5. When will paramedic interviews happen @Jake
  6. bruh i thought the window for the ladder was a targeting square on the orca lol
  7. they don't. everyone likes to talk like they're 24/7 cartel warriors but the fact is the majority of them just camp rebel afraid to leave because they don't wanna spent 45 minutes in prison.
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1470493486&searchtext= #MAKEASYLUMGREATAGAIN
  9. forums wouldnt be dead if they removed my mod queue
  10. Anything that gives people a reason to play. Medic, BH, any other new features. It's fine that Jesse is busy with his RL obligations, but there should still be some sort of communication between the administrative team and the player base. Maybe a bi-weekly "this is what we're working on" post?
  11. can we get an update on eta of new content?
  12. Yehoshua Shekelstein reporting for duty
  13. you're to brain dead to figure out a lot of things mate
  14. The limit needs to be severe then. Civs wanna complain about getting zerg rushed by cops, but it's fine for captains and lts to form a massive group of 10+ people and fuck with the 4-5 cops that are online in the overnight hours.
  15. Are you guys ready for them to remove defibs from everyone but medics? Makes sense with the cop limit
  16. what the fuck was this retard pilot doing 1) Why are you flying below 200m without a gunner? There's literally no point 2) Why are you pointing your cockpit at the guy with the big gun? You're a monkey 3) You do know that you can safely observe someone in a vehicle from fucking 600-700m in the air and the chances of you being shot down are literally fucking 0, right?
  17. my 20 different personalities would boost the player count like none other
  18. I'm on more medications than Asylum has players. Don't @ me
  19. really wish i wasnt on mod queue so i could post what i feel about u and not have it deleted
  20. mate there's more captains than active players LMAO
  21. great the browns still suck i fucking hate my life i want to kill myself
  22. doubtful i'm already bored and wanna kms
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