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  1. Djmon liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Yeah, but can you do this?!? (short video)   
    killed the pilot on a moving helicopter without using scope lol
    Skip to 0:20 to see trickshot
  2. Don Julio liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Yeah, but can you do this?!? (short video)   
    killed the pilot on a moving helicopter without using scope lol
    Skip to 0:20 to see trickshot
  3. Farmer Steve liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Yeah, but can you do this?!? (short video)   
    killed the pilot on a moving helicopter without using scope lol
    Skip to 0:20 to see trickshot
  4. william liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Yeah, but can you do this?!? (short video)   
    killed the pilot on a moving helicopter without using scope lol
    Skip to 0:20 to see trickshot
  5. Alec-I liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Returning player Suicide Vest   
    I don't really know but from experience I'm guessing people were mass buying them and abusing them on cops and people, as you can see all the montages/compilations of people using suicide vest just to get a video out or to mess with people or disrupt them.
  6. johnfx liked a post in a topic by Seán That Irish Guy in Add the Type 115 to asylum.   
    Pretty much it really.

  7. BananaGoatPC liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Bergen Backpack   
  8. johnfx liked a post in a topic by Ed. in Suspect Detainment and Questioning   
    This guide will provide the Asylum Police Department (APD) with basic policies on proper police procedure. Please direct any questions to Sergeants and above.

    Basic Police Conduct
    Always keep weapon lowered when there is no threat. (Hit L-CTRL twice) Always be respectful to civilians and other officers. Always follow server rules and police procedures. Always stay in character.

    Probable Cause
    Probable cause is the reason for an officer to take action. (The standard by which an constable or agent of the law has the grounds to obtain a warrant for, or as an exception to the warrant requirements for, making an arrest or conducting a personal or property search, etc. when criminal charges are being considered.)

    What is Probable Cause?
    Probable cause is:
    Seeing a person(s) or vehicle(s) in an illegal area. Seeing a crime committed, or a seeing a civilian that is on the wanted list (With a bounty over 2,500). Someone with Grand Theft, Attempted Auto theft charges Individual(s) having illegal weapons/vehicles. Suspect(s) evading arrest. Witnessing a civilian self-incriminate (they admit to possessing contraband, committing a crime etc.) Seeing an RV emitting Smoke Seeing a person purposely offroad and attempt to drive around manned APD checkpoints. (Doing an 180 turn to avoid a checkpoint is not probable cause.) Someone currently in the process of committing a Grand Theft or has committed a Grand Theft but has no charges. Any individual found inside the Federal Reserve Probable cause is not:
    You see a truck on a highway, it is NOT probable cause. You see a vehicle NEAR an illegal area, it is NOT probable cause. You are told someone is doing something illegal by a civilian, this is NOT probable cause. Seeing an RV NOT emitting Smoke Knowing that a civilian has committed crimes in the past.  
    Witness Types
    Direct Witness
    If you personally witness a crime, then you are allowed by law to restrain the individual(s) and charge them accordingly, be it with a verbal warning, ticket, or jail time.

    Eye Witness
    If a civilian provides intel of a crime, it is often very difficult to determine the legitimacy of such claim. Therefore, gather as much evidence as possible, and move forward. (IE: 911 Call comes in about a Red SUV traveling well over speed limits on the highway near the airport. If you see such a vehicle with said description, it is enough to pull them over and question the subject (this does not give you probable cause to search).

    Relayed Witness
    A relayed witness is simply another officer giving you his first hand information on a crime and/or suspect. Proceed with Direct Witness Procedure at this point.

    Grey Area
    Unfortunately, this comes with the game, and must be treated with legit role-play.
    For example, you see a vehicle on a road to/from an illegal area, it is not means for probable cause. HOWEVER, you may pull them over, and question them. You may ask to search them or the vehicle, if they give their consent, you may search their vehicle. If they refuse, you are not allowed to search. If you do NOT have probable cause, you need the civilians consent before you can search. If you are ever unsure as to whether or not you have probable cause, ask a senior officer. If one is unavailable and you cannot get a definitive answer, assume you don’t have probable cause to search. It’s better for one criminal to get away, than for officers to overstep their bounds and violate the rights of the citizens of Altis.

    Wanted List/Confronting Criminals
    One of your primary duties as a police officer will involve handling civilians on the Wanted List. There are several important points to remember when approaching a civilian who is wanted.

    As a Police Officer your primary weapon is your VOICE, you always speak first and use your weapon second. ALWAYS announce yourself as a police officer when confronting a suspect. (ie “Altis Police, can I speak with you?” If possible, try to identify you suspect by name, as to get their attention. Always speak with a suspect before restraining, never run up behind a suspect and restrain them without first making contact with them.
    If a suspect flees, you are allowed to use non-lethal force to stop them. If a suspect requests to speak with a superior officer, you must respect their request and get in contact with a senior officer (SGT or above). If one is not available you may proceed with your duties.

    You are allowed to search a civilian if one of the following criteria is met: you have probable cause or you are given consent by the civilian in question.
    If you do not have probable cause, you may ask an individual if you can search their person and/or vehicle. If the individual gives you consent, you are free to search them and their vehicle. Obviously if they have something illegal on them, they may not consent. Even though you may suspect they have illegal substances, without their consent you cannot search them.
    If you have probable cause, you may search and individual and/or their vehicle without their consent. Just always be sure to follow proper police procedure and always ensure that you have probable cause before searching. If you are ever unsure, ASK a superior!

    The Asylum Police Department has a ticket first, jail second policy. Meaning, you should always attempt to give the suspect a ticket for their crimes. Civilians have the right to skip the ticket process and go immediately to jail. Below are a few procedures you should follow when giving tickets.

    You will find that many civilians may decline the first ticket you give and request to be sent to jail, only to change their mind at a later point. While it is acceptable to give them another chance to pay the ticket; do not give a civilian more than three chances to pay a ticket. If they refuse the third attempt to pay the ticket, take them to jail. At this point they are only stalling and wasting your time. Always issue a single ticket for all charges and check wanted list. (IE. You see a civilian shoot and kill another player. After restraining them you issue them a $5,000 ticket for manslaughter.
    They pay the ticket, as you are about to unrestrain them you realize they are on the wanted list for multiple other charges. You CANNOT keep them detained and re-ticket them. It is YOUR responsibility to check the charges BEFORE issuing the ticket.)

    After refusal to pay a ticket, you may take a suspect to jail. This is done at the nearest Police HQ. When you arrive at the Police HQ, inform them why they are being sent to jail. Keep in mind, if they request a supervisor at this point, you still must comply and request a senior officer. However, the senior officer does not need to comply if they are busy or too far away. At this point you may send them to jail and collect the bounty.
  9. johnfx liked a post in a topic by BananaGoatPC in Bergen Backpack   
    hmmm well oil trucks weren't in before and now they are. Damn would you look at that. Its also good to note that maybe it has not been added since no interest was shown and thus this suggestion will better show the devs what people are interested in.
  10. johnfx liked a post in a topic by BananaGoatPC in Bergen Backpack   
    Can we get this in game and maybe the different camos for it as well?
    Carrying weight could be around 110-120 or something and maybe make the backpack cost around 1k. Could be good for making money but terrible for fighting thus the trade off seems fair enough.

    If you want math here it is 
    Lets say 1 cocaine sells for $500 just to make math easy.

    carryall holds 96 inventory, Initial costs $300
    cocaine weighs 3 each thus a carryall holds 32 cocaine
    32 cocaine = $16,000
    Profit = total - initial = $15,700

    Bergen holds 120 inventory, Initial costs $1000
    cocaine weights 3 each thus Bergen holds 40 cocaine
    Total = 40 cocaine = $20,000
    Profit = total - initial = $19,000
    So if you pay an extra $700 for the Bergen your profit is $3,300 more than using a Carryall thus I believe the price and amount is justified
    Even though it may seem simple just something new like this can create a whole different experience and its always nice to see a little something different when playing.
  11. johnfx liked a post in a topic by Sliick in Oil Cartel   
    @bamf this last patch was great. Now im wondering if people will see Rodo+Zaros and Arms as the new Meta so maybe to have Panagia be a bit more relevant with crafting is to bring back oil cartel giving rubber in the fridge to get people to craft more making them want to get Pan so capping Rodo and another turf you have a decision.
  12. FudgeR liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Cartel capture limit   
    sounds like you guys want the servers to change because of YOUR problems 
    you can always have a guy defend cartel from your gang, but hey i would not mind keeping the cartel for 40 mins so whatever admins choose it's a win win for me 
  13. johnfx liked a post in a topic by Oskarr in Cartels #1   
    Quality is shit cause i dont know how to render lmao. But anyway enjoy!
  14. Huan Lee liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Donator Perk   
    Would it not be a good idea, for donator ranks to get extra talent point(s)? 
  15. johnfx liked a post in a topic by massi in Donator Perk   
    you have a free debit card  
  16. johnfx liked a post in a topic by Phil. in Donator Perk   
    +1 - 3 Extra talent points for $25+ donators. OR +1 talent point each tier you hit.
  17. setherm1 liked a post in a topic by johnfx in Asylum Privilege Checker   
  18. johnfx liked a post in a topic by Legit in Respawning at a Hospital   
    Can a confirmation button be added prior to spawning at a hospital, similar to how the governor offers pardons. When trying to respond at a house to save your friends the extra 45 seconds you have to wait is super frustrating. 
  19. halfdrunkhero liked a post in a topic by johnfx in "The Peach Brothers: Protesters of The Law" The movie.   
    you gotta change ur channel settings on your channel page click on the settings icon near sub button and change the organization of ur videos
  20. johnfx liked a post in a topic by halfdrunkhero in "The Peach Brothers: Protesters of The Law" The movie.   
    A pretty funny movie that I put together RPing as a peach farmer. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks. 
  21. johnfx liked a post in a topic by Towelie in The Blackmarket   
    Hello! I have recently began my own Blackmarket! This Blackmarket is based out of Pyrogos, locations and selling of the items will be debated. Some may say this is a shitty idea but I think it may work. This Blackmarket will mainly sell rebel items for affordable prices but without the risk of heading down to your hometown rebel and having Little Timmy pop you with his big bad AK12! WE ARE SAFE AND AFFORDABLE!
    The following prices may be above the standard market price. The reason for this is being that we eliminate the risk of being shot up or crashing on your dandy trip to your daily rebel.
    MK18 ABR:  $6,500
    AK12: $13,000
    AKM: $8,000
    DEMO CHARGES: $1,250
    CARRIER LITE (BLACK): $3,500 --All other colors are $4,000 as I have a low supply of those
    BALACLAVA: $50
    SHEMAG: $75
    SPAR-16 (BLACK): $6,500
    (Bundles are sets of gear purchased together for lower prices)
  22. johnfx liked a post in a topic by rngr in [OLD]Crafting: A Guide to Player Production in Asylum   
    With the unfortunate wipe of the forums following "the incident", hopefully we can get some of the guides back in place.
    Crafting Recipes:
    All recipes can be completed using reduced materials if the crafter is a member of gang in possession of the turf at Panagia (DP23). However, it should be noted that you must have the normal amount of materials in your inventory in order to craft, it simply takes less from you.
    The crafting of various items can be completed in the Asylum Altis Life. This is done at either the Black Market, Vehicle or Firearms production facilities which can be found on the map in-game. It requires the following recipes to create the various items.
    Vehicle Factory:
    Civilian Hatchback - 5 Iron Ore(15) - [base Sell: $1,000] (Weight: 15)
    Civilian Suv - 10 Iron Ore(30), 2 Rubber(4) - [base Sell: $4,000] (Weight: 34)
    Civilian Hatchback Sport - 13 Iron Ingot(13), 10 Processed Oil(10), 3 Rubber(6) - [base Sell: $5,000] (Weight: 29)
    Civilian Transport Truck - 20 Iron Ingot(20), 10 Processed Oil(10), 3 Rubber(6) - [base Sell: $6,000] (Weight: 36)
    Civilian Box Truck - 30 Iron Ingot(30), 10 Processed Oil(10), 3 Rubber(6) - [base Sell: $8,000] (Weight: 46)
    Zamak Transport - $4,000 Cash, 30 Iron Ingot(30), 10 Processed Oil(10), 4 Rubber(8) - [base Sell: $20,000] (Weight: 48)
    Zamak Transport (Covered) - $8,000 Cash, 30 Iron Ingot(30), 10 Processed Oil(10), 6 Rubber(12) - [base Sell: $25,000] (Weight: 52)
    HEMTT Transport - $9,000 Cash, 30 Iron Ingot(30), 10 Processed Oil(10), 6 Rubber(12) - [base Sell: $30,000] (Weight: 52)
    HEMTT Box - $14,000 Cash, 30 Iron Ingot(30), 10 Processed Oil(10), 8 Rubber(16) - [base Sell: $45,000] (Weight: 56)
    M-900 - $15,000 Cash, 10(10) Processed Oil, 6(12) Rubber - [base Sell: $60,000] (Weight: 22)
    Hummingbird - $15,000 Cash, 20 Cut Diamond(40), 20 Processed Oil(20), 6 Rubber(12) - [base Sell: $70,000] (Weight: 72)
    CH-49 Mohawk - $30,000 Cash, 1 Flawless Diamond(2), 20 Processed Oil(20), 10 Rubber(20) - [base Sell: $100,000] (Weight: 42) Requires Donor Level 4+
    Firearm Factory:
    ACP .45 - 6 Iron Ore(18), 2 Copper Ingot(6) - [base Sell: $3,000] (Weight: 24)
    PDW2000 - 10 Iron Ore(30), 5 Copper Ingot(15) - [base Sell: $5,000] (Weight: 45)
    Sting - 10 Iron Ore(30), 10 Salt(30) - [base Sell: $4,500] (Weight: 60)
    Vermin - 10 Iron Ore(30), 7 Salt (21) - [base Sell: $6000] (Weight: 51)
    Black Market Production - No Cartel:
    Rebel Offroad - 10 Iron Ore(30), 1 Processed Oil(1) - [base Sell: $3,000] (Weight: 31)
    Orca - $40,000 Cash, 1 Flawless Diamond(2), 20 Cut Diamond(40), 10 Processed Oil(10), 10 Rubber(20) - [base Sell: $150,000] (Weight: 72)
    Hellcat - $30,000 Cash, 1 Flawless Diamond(2), 20 Cut Diamond(40), 10 Processed Oil(10), 10 Rubber(20) - [base Sell: $120,000] (Weight: 72)
    Katiba - 2 Iron Ore(6), 10 Unprocessed Heroin(30) - [base Sell: $9,500] (Weight: 36)
    Katiba Carbine - 2 Iron Ore(6), 10 Unprocessed Heroin(30) - [base Sell: $9,000] (Weight: 36)
    Rahim - 2 Uncut Diamond(8), 25 Unprocessed Cocaine(75) - [base Sell: $10,000] (Weight: 83)
    Mk18 - 4 Uncut Diamond(16), 25 Unprocessed Cocaine(75) - [base Sell: $11,000] (Weight: 91)
    Black Market Production - Cartel Required:
    Armed Offroad - $70,000 Cash, 1 Flawless Diamond(2), 30 Iron Ingot(30), 10 Processed Oil(10), 4 Rubber(8) - [base Sell: $150,000] (Weight: 50)
    Ifrit - $40,000 Cash, 2 Flawless Diamond(4), 30 Iron Ingot(30), 10 Processed Oil(10), 6 Rubber(12) - [base Sell: $97,500] (Weight: 56)
    Mk200 - $20,000 Cash, 2 Uncut Diamond(8), 30 Meth(60) - [base Sell: $50,000] (Weight: 68)
    Mk-I (Various Colors) - 4 Uncut Diamond(16), 25 Unprocessed Cocaine(75) - [base Sell: $15,000] (Weight: 91)
    Mk14 (Olive & Camo) - 4 Uncut Diamond(16), 25 Unprocessed Cocaine(75) - [base Sell: $15,000] (Weight: 91)
  23. johnfx liked a post in a topic by Das Otter in how to take over cartel   
    just wait in the circle with a zubyr for 20 minutes and sometimes you will see an ifrit or two come to deliver you your money.
  24. johnfx liked a post in a topic by LiamS3 in This kid had the worse day of his life.   
    The only thing funny is the 6k splits imo
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