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APD Sergeant
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Everything posted by Wutang

  1. Not totally against it but it would be a waste of a talent point tbh
  2. Wutang

    Changelog May

    Tell us how u really feel you passive aggressive woman
  3. Wutang

    Casino safezone

    Imagine just playing blackjack locked in and getting initiated on tho. Having a good hand then dead. I think it’s much easier to implement a rule change where if you’re initiated on you can’t purposefully drive to the casino
  4. Can’t speak for the devs but it seems like a waste of time to code something that can be fixed by implementing more policy and can be one shot by every gun. But keep fighting your fight
  5. I’ve used a drone maybe 3 times. I could care less if they add more policy about them. But as stated before record and repot if you think a rule was broken
  6. Maaaaan APD can’t have nuffin
  7. yep it is much easier for cops to get the token compared to civs in no way was I defending that. as it stands cops can either choose between getting their token or chasing after the boat worth 3 mil in illegal goods. unfortunately, as it stands many cops would rather get their free guranteed token which I am not a fan of. Theres definitely a needed meeting between the captains and devs to determine the proper course of action when the civs drive away with the boat and the cops are there basically asking themselselves "should I go after the boat or get my token?" both the national and nikolai's need some rework, the main point I was trying to make in my original comment is that these events are both new and not to jump at the devs/admins neck when they're making changes to something brand new and insinuate their changes are malicious when they're working harder than ever to balance the server and add cool shit.
  8. Not saying Nikolai’s doesn’t need some changes to make it harder for cops to get their coins but cops prestige tokens are comparatively weaker than civs. The strongest thing cops got was an RPK which is LT+ and the majority of cops only get to use the CMR. Throw a couple suppressors in there too. Absolutely nothing game breaking while civs tokens allow them to acquire weapons that can one shot an ifirt/pen towers or acquire a suicide vest that sets off a nuclear bomb. If you can’t see why the changes to national were made and the direction the server would go if every civ had these tokens you’re actually brain dead.
  9. Ik what you mean but I think plenty of civs would come just to fight cops. Obviously the cop would have to initiate in order to get the civ to stop. I get what you mean though, I think og civs would flock to the blue zones just to fight cops but this would be bad for new players who don’t know any better @Chris Peacock
  10. If cops win the zone turns into a blue zone where there’s stop and frisk without probable cause??? Just a thought. Could open up some opportunities for good RP
  11. Yeah I like the idea but Chris has a point. Maybe only for Sofia and pygros because they don’t get much action these days. I could also see this just turning into a money printer seems more like a buffed gang turf but still could be cool with some stuff ironed out
  12. Womp womp. Samp and chow are really the only career cops that got support anyway, the other guys either split time between civ and cop or play more civ than they do cop. Just kinda silly to get so tilted about a support role and suggest that these guys won’t try and help new guys or help solve issues just because they play cop sometimes.
  13. Kinda crazy saying this after civs just got so much new content and cops got 3 cool but useless drones and silencers that only undercover can use. Imagine crying over not getting a useless support role lmfao
  14. Ehh I mean when I play civ and I’m in a frit I play pretty liberally compared to cop cause ik I have the advantage. But could be tbh
  15. The MK drops happen maybe once or twice a month and are used for groups who fed spam with a ton of players. Also anyone who’s driven a cop ifrit or any armor knows they act different then civ armor. There’s a 9/10 chance if a cop armor v armors a civ the cop will die or the cop ifirt breaks while the civ ifirt acts like nothing happens. If you wanna be able to shit on cops all day just play GTA story mode homie
  16. Almost like how rebels have multiple Frits to fight also? God forbid cops get an even shake at arresting civs. Maybe we should only allow cops to carry rooks and drive quad bikes
  17. Wutang


    Not sure if this is possible considering it's under the police faction but I don't think the undercover slots should have the box blue next to your name. There's been many occasions where I change my IGN, dress like a fresh spawn and get called out for being a cop right away simply because the civ checks the player list on the map. Like I said not sure if this is possible or if it's been suggested before but having the blue box next to your name defeats the purpose of being undercover.
  18. I don’t understand. Is APD dogshit or OP cause you can’t seem to make up your mind. Sure there’s some aspects like spawning with a sub-optimal kit that benefits us but rebels get mk1s. As a career cop I’d be cool with rebel outposts being moved closer to cities or even in cities to make it easier for you guys to get your weapons although that would defeat the rp aspect of the rebel outpost not that it matters anyway. Anyway kind of hard to take someone’s opinion on what’s op or not seriously when that person didn’t even know NLR wasn’t a rule on the server until two weeks ago. o7
  19. In-game name: Wutang Timezone: Central TZ Age: 25 If im not accepted I will be charging degragments with evading and disobeying everytime hes near pygros.
  20. Application Format: STEAM:76561199126673411MyAsylum:My Asylum - Profile (gaming-asylum.com)
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