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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Wutang

  1. Do nothing get paid? Communist scum
  2. Wutang


    So mk1’s for constable+ why gatekeep?
  3. Wutang


    Cadets or constables who barely know the rules so he can report and get them demoted so there’s a new captain to bully every week duh
  4. Valid point for sure but you can make the same argument for cops as well. There’s been plenty of times when the server pop is 20-30 but they all group up and fed spam against 5 cops and no cops can get in because of the ratio
  5. Worst fed event for cops tbh. It’s a fortress surrounded by sand where cops only have a rock and a helicopter for cover. Needs a rework
  6. I like the idea of bait cars but civs will go crazy if there’s basically an updated spike strip which is already a controversial matter. Can’t imagine them spending much time on bait cars though when you can already put trackers on your vehicle already. Put a tracker on a hunter or high value apd vehicle and wait for someone to take it then chase
  7. Increase the ratio and make the captains increase the time limit to patrol red zones from 20 to 30 minutes for the 4 people that still farm
  8. They should just take all the houses away for the tears
  9. I think you get some valuable stuff at least on the cop side. I agree it takes way too long tho I’ve been trying to push for constables to earn prestige in preparation for getting corporal but it’s falling on deaf ears
  10. I’ve probably only seen the ghost hawk about 10 times so that’s probably not enough to gage its effectiveness but every time it’s been pulled civs seem to deal with it pretty easily. That being said I can see how civs find it annoying. I mean our glorious dev corporal @Pizza Manpulled one while he was on civ during Nathan’s convoy event and it was taken care of within minutes
  11. All the constables who barely passed their ride along duh @zdeat
  12. Been a thing for awhile if the guy you’re processing is being toxic, killed a downed teammate or has recently combat sui himself. The 50% increase rn only works rn if the suspect pays the ticket not if they go to jail. I think Samps suggestion is to give to add the 50% increase to their bounty so even if they don’t pay cops get it if they go to jail
  13. They were adding a bunch of new stuff towards the end of v2 and max pop was like 30 players on a Friday night.. fact of the matter is there’s not much new stuff you can add to a game as old as arma without mods. Can’t really blame the devs or staff when they’re basically giving CPR to a game that has 30 gunshot wounds
  14. It’s pretty easy anticipate when cops use spike strips and avoid them tbh. Skill issue
  15. Do you really want a bunch of constables and corporals being voted in to be LT’s and Captains? Cause then you’d really have something to complain about when they barely even know the rules of the apd and now they’re “running” it.
  16. APD staff is 3/4’s of the active cops on the server.
  18. Last summer around this time was full pop.
  19. I don’t think you realize the state of the server since you’ve been banned. It’s a glorified chat room where everyone sits in athira. It’s a Hail Mary that could help the server pop or lead it down the same path it’s currently headed.
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