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Everything posted by Dom

  1. I thought the guy sounded like you. hes off camera
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=118&v=uJRynZ-ZoZs @1:57 its @Sijanec
  3. Dom

    Cya ;)

    @Shugie Boogie allstar shows his penis to small children at the park allstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the parkallstar shows his penis to small children at the park
  4. Dom

    Corrupt Anarchy

    God it feels good to be cleared
  5. @Clockwerk if you ever made a montage this is what it would look like
  6. Application In-game name: Dom Age: 21 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/a6de68b0d900ede101ac9765504ec074 Location/Timezone: PST Past/Current Gangs: Evil corp Bank Balance: 8 mill Do you have a working mic? yes Why do you want to join crixus ? new gang want to try something new NEED TO BE 16 OR OLDER
  7. lmao i actually made that cuz i was board one day updating league. i meant to change it back. ty for reminding me. ALSO im surprised we still have fans coming to out recruitment page thats good to know.
  8. Dom


    "never had a phone, nobody calling my phone" lmfao
  9. Dom

    WoW Warmane

    Tyrese told me to put your name in lmao
  10. Dom

    WoW Warmane

    @Term @Tyrese @Jbdragon @Snatch @Leady and i are starting to play WoW private servers from Warmane. We have horde characters right now working to get them to 80. We are on the Icecrown server. Let us know if you want to join. Its free to play and if you have questions on how to download it just ask us we can help you! https://www.warmane.com/
  11. UghhhHHHhhhh. so you can pull people out when they are taking off? https://i.gyazo.com/a43d3c71d98cb5ed03958408e15aa787.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/64526268b13bbc958e548b49563b10b9.mp4
  12. Accepted for trial - PMed you TS
  13. Why did I join this guys gang? Its obvious he uses AHKs!!
  14. Holy fuck. first time seeing this. This video ^ and @AndrewFam (<-- if that is FSA andrew) are my favorite montages so far
  15. But not to lazy to make a montage. ok
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