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Everything posted by Jake

  1. @Akeelagi The shitter better be so clean you can eat off of it or so help me I won’t feed you AND I’ll put your dog in the pound!!!
  2. And this man is a troll, so when he’s serious he means business
  3. $6k bounty for BH is like saying “No you can not arrest someone who has committed Manslaughter ($5k) they need to do more crime” See the problem? Lol
  4. Violation of Misc.... like I said it’s a case by case basis, and I wasn’t talking about a verbal warning, just a simple “hey don’t do this anymore” violation of misc can be used for anything that doesn’t fit in any other category
  5. I thought it was called “Gang Life” not “One Man Army Life”? Hmmmm... But while I’m more cop than anything, I always personally thought it would make more sense to give Cartel Benefits until say at least 50% so the Gang with possession can utilize the perks rather than be screwed over 5-7 minutes after they leave the capping point... I do like the thought of needing to keep possession and the constant fight, so that’s why I think 50% is fair to the gang who has possession so they can utilize the perks but also come back in a timely fashion As I said I mainly play cop so I am sure this isn’t the perfect plan but just my suggestion
  6. UC is there for a purpose and as @Silver-Spy said, not everyone is Corporal+, most don’t abuse this system, the rule has always been you may stay as long as it would take a civ to “fill your vehicle” then get out, if you see a UC camping for an extended period of time or going back every 3-5 minutes report them (you must have video evidence that is solid evidence not some crappy 15 second video)... they may be told to be more aware and not be a toolbag, if they repeat it (yes the APD staff has records of offenses even if you cannot see them) then they may be diciplined in a case by case basis
  7. If you are trying to state you have a bounty (while I’m prison) then that would be intentional... If you are trying to inform us you went to jail, and upon being released you kept your bounty (script didn’t remove your bounty upon becoming free from prison) that is not intentional... if this is the case, try to call/text the police (do not spam them or you will likely be ignored) I personally would try to contact the highest ranking APD officer online as I am more than sure they have been in these situations and know how to handle them (Pardon you) all officers should do the right thing, but it’s safer to go to a senior member within the APD If this is a regular occurrence please make a video of it preferably using YouTube and report it to the developers and try to give as much information as possible so they can re-create the scenario to test it and find out what is going wrong
  8. Battering Ram? Did you happen to mean Pain-Train?
  9. Jake

    Change log 8.1.6

    Just my opinion, but SWAT is just a privilege granted to the APD from the Devs This being said, server performance is the most important task and number one priority at the moment, after server performance the Rebel Talent Tree is the next most important/second priority, SWAT is the last thing on the list, this coming from someone who primarily plays cop
  10. Brings back good memories, I quite enjoyed Strife, it had its issues but overall it was a blast
  11. Welcome to Asylum @LeviTrini23 Here is a link to the Forum sub-section where you can post when you are live and it will pop up on the Forums for other Asylum members to see, best of luck with the streaming and best of luck as well with this community, it’s a huge learning curve and hard at the beginning but you will find it to be very rewarding once you get the hang of things
  12. Authentic Mexican tacos, not the fake crappy tacos... I'll be available for pickup in an hour... Also, welcome @ManiaKnight
  13. I have a lakka she’s and 2 abdera houses (3 crates each) interested?
  14. I have 3 Crate houses abdera s3 if interested
  15. Jake

    OSRS anyone?

    @Tyler and I play
  16. Jake

    S3 dp5

    any interest in abderra?
  17. Jake

    Look for S3

    Being 100% honest... I have no idea I mainly cop... probably not though
  18. Jake

    Look for S3

    I’d only be willing to sell one... 750?
  19. Jake

    Look for S3

    Couple 3 crate houses on Abderra.... lakka checkpoint sheds (multiple)
  20. “Neanderthal” probably my favorite part
  21. Click on the icon at the beginning of the URL>Site Settings>Notifications.. Unfortunately, since my computer doesn't find the Asylum Website "secure" it doesn't allow me to allow notifications, I think this is how you would do it, but am not 100% sure due to my PC not allowing me to due to not being a "secure" website with the following icon:
  22. To my knowledge, any auto-generated money was simply auto-generated.... the money from wongs cartel for example comes from selling scotch to wongs, so this "auto-gen" money wouldn't come from any source per-say
  23. I know they didn't; I meant auto-generated money (like they used to) but add auto-deposit as well just to this specific cartel to make this be like the "ultimate cartel" and make the location inconvenience and fight worth while, dumb idea orrr?
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