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Everything posted by Eyad

  1. When @Haych is stuck in Turkey and is scared to go outside because he will get bombed by some rag head so you do this instead.
  2. Why does he need a Mk1, when he can role play his way out of anything.
  3. Eyad

    Change log 7.9.0

    Funds running low for Identity, got to some how fork out even more money now the Chinese have their own servers.
  4. Eyad

    Change log 7.9.0

    Coming soon ™ in loot crates CSAT WETSUITS
  5. No matter where you buy it, Brendon will find it before any of us because he walked past it
  6. arms island waiting for gareth to log on so they can push cap.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EzS1OBz7p0
  8. Eyad

    Change log 7.7.1

    So hes basically a bunch of sticks.
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